Chapter 12 - FINAL PART :(((

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I felt as if I could float away at any moment. It didn't matter that I was sick, or tired. Y/N was finally in my arms; she loved me—she said so herself. My heart was practically bursting right out of my chest as I cuddled her in my arms, kissing the top of her forehead every once in a while, full of nothing but adoration for her. But even so, I questioned everything in the back of my mind. I had noticed a slight change in her affection toward me after homecoming was over. Maybe it had just been a coincidence? But everyone (mostly the girls) had been acting differently toward me since that night. Who knew the power that resided in nothing but a simple suit! So, that led me to wonder——did Y/N only say those things because I had been given the designated title of being "attractive?"

I shook my head, getting rid of the negative thoughts that clouded my mind.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked out of the blue.

Did she read my mind or something?
"Nothing," I attempted to assure her, "Nothing at all."
She frowned.

"I-If you don't like me, you don't have to lie just because I'm your best friend and you don't want to hurt my feelings," she said, "I'll understand, really."

Dumbfounded, I stared at her blankly. But then I put one of my hands on her lower back, pulling her impossibly closer as I locked lips with her once again, this time kissing her with more passion, more fervor. Even though we were as close to one another as possible, I wanted to be even nearer to her, I wanted to envelop her even more. I yearned for her everything—her smile, her body, her laughter and spunk, her sparkling eyes, her beautiful heart.

She has turned me into such a hopeless romantic.

I pulled away from her, gripping her cheeks with both of my hands. Both of us were nearly out of breath.

"I don't like you, Y/N, I love you," I promised her, "I swear, I'm not lying."



The next morning, Giyuu was in much better condition. I was so thankful that I wouldn't have to survive another school day without him. Except, I had a feeling that things would be a bit different since we were finally "together".

I held his hand as we walked through the doors, heading to our first hour history class. A gaggle of girls immediately sprinted over to him when they spotted him. It seemed he had become quite popular ever since homecoming. Of course, I had already been made aware of that fact due to everyone's sudden concern for him when he was out sick.

"Tomioka!" One of the girls shrieked, "I made you cookies! I'm so glad you're feeling better!"
When she touched his upper arm, I felt my blood boil. Had none of them noticed that it was my hand Giyuu was holding? I instinctively gripped her wrist, forcing her off of him. She glared at me, practically throwing daggers out of her eyes.

"What the heck, L/N! What's your problem?"
I narrowed my eyes, irritated beyond words.

"Don't touch him again," I spat.

She crossed her arms.

"And what gives you the right to order me around?"

I clenched my jaw, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"He's my boyfriend," I stated nonchalantly.

I felt Giyuu tense up at these words. Technically, we hadn't officially decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend—rather, it had just been a silent assumption. The girl looked between Giyuu and I a few times, before rolling her eyes.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now