Chapter 6

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On Monday morning, Giyuu's ingenious master plan was put into action. He was such a smart boy—

Step 1: Get Rengoku to like me by bringing him his favorite food, boxed lunches, right before lunch began so he would not be forced to eat the terrible cafeteria staff-made food.

Step 2: Once his attention was captured, make him jealous by flirting with the other guys on the student council (this would not include Giyuu because he was "not very comfortable with that sort of thing").

Step 3: Because Rengoku was very straightforward and fearless, Giyuu was under the impression that he would confront me head on and tell me about his feelings if steps 1 and 2 were successful. Then, not only would I have a homecoming date, but a reciprocated crush as well!

Early in the morning, I had gone to a nearby shop and purchased a heap of boxed lunches. It was tempting to scarf them down myself, but I knew I should heed Giyuu's advice and show restraint to better benefit the plan in the long run. So, when the end of fourth hour rolled around, I quickly packed up all of my stuff and approached Rengoku bashfully, boxed lunch in hand.

"Oh, hey, L/N! Did you understand anything the teacher taught us today? I was clueless!"

I shook my head—I had been too busy spacing out whilst thinking of ways to give the lunch box to Rengoku. Hopefully Giyuu could help me once the school day was over. He was in the highest math possible, after all.

"No, it was all Greek to me," I said, "...By the way... I have something to give you..."
Rengoku raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
"I-It's a boxed lunch," I stammered, glancing away, unable to make eye contact as I held it out to him. Eventually, I felt his warm hands underneath mine and gasped.

"You got this for me?" He asked, his tone of voice quieter and gentler than usual, "You didn't have to..."

I finally worked up the courage to once again meet his gaze.
"I know. But I heard that you really like boxed lunches, so I thought it would be a nice thing to do... But if you don't want it, I'll—"
He cut me off before I could even finish my sentence.
"No, I'm grateful. Truly. I will eat it deliciously and think of you with every bite."

I could feel my face getting hot and my palms becoming sweaty.

"Well," I backed away from Rengoku, "Please enjoy!"

With that, I raced out of the classroom, flustered yet ecstatic.


I stared at the clock near the entrance of the cafeteria. Y/N was late, but that made sense, because she was probably going through with the plan we'd crafted the night before. In the end, I had decided to help her with her romantic endeavors because she was my truest friend and I cared about her beyond my own selfish feelings. But I hadn't been able to quit thinking about when we were in the movie theatre, and the way she grabbed my hand. Or when she'd hugged me so tightly in the dorm yesterday morning. It was beginning to confuse me—why had I grown so attached to this girl in such a short time? I couldn't help but feel like she understood me, and never judged me. And that connection was a hard one to make with anyone. It was, practically, an unbreakable bond.

I felt my face light up at the sight of her walking into the cafeteria. She noticed me and waved before finding a place in the long line for the mediocre food. It was plain to see—she was beautiful. Gorgeous. On the inside and out. She wasn't just some average, random person. No, she was undeniably special. A tulip among roses.

Who would have thought I would ever gain feelings for someone?

———(time skip)


The end of the third week of school was approaching rapidly, which meant there were only two days left until homecoming. Most people already had secured dates, including the majority of members on the student council. Rengoku, however, still had not asked anybody. I wondered if he even wanted a date—perhaps he preferred to only spend time with friends at school dances. Kanroji, my mortal enemy, was growing noticeably anxious at his silence as well. I forced myself not to worry about it. I couldn't make him ask me out, after all. Although, every day I yearned more and more for him. The more I saw him, the more he pulled me in, making me desire to have him near me. It was almost too much for my poor heart to handle. I had done everything right—flirted with the male student council members in front of him after giving him loads of boxed lunches. So why was he not taking the bait? It was so frustrating!
"Ugh!" I suddenly uttered, startling Giyuu, who was walking beside me as we headed back to the dorm together after our final class.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

I clenched my fists.

"I'm just so irritated that this man has not asked me to homecoming yet!" I exclaimed a bit too loudly.

Giyuu frowned.

"It's only Wednesday," he reassured me, "There's still some time left."

Just then, a familiar, booming voice called my name from across the hallway. Except, he used my first name rather than my last. I slowly turned around to see Rengoku sprinting toward me at an unnerving speed.
"W-what's up?" I squeaked.

He flashed me a dashing smile—he was practically someone straight out of a fairytale!
"I would be delighted if you would accompany me to homecoming!" He announced, slightly bowing his head to me.

I sputtered, nearly toppling over as my heartbeat soared.

"W-wait, really? Of course! I'd love to go to homecoming with you!"
He met my shining eyes and beamed happily.

"Good. I'll meet you outside of your dorm at seven on Saturday. It's a date!"

Outside of my dorm? That couldn't happen! What would he think if he found out I was rooming with Giyuu?
"Wait, Rengoku—I mean, Kyojuro. Can we just meet outside of the venue? I don't want to make you walk all the way to the girls' dorms."

He shrugged.

"Alright. Whatever you want! Now, I'll be off! Have a wonderful night!"



I had left the hallway halfway through Y/N and Rengoku's conversation. Honestly, it wasn't any of my business and it was... painful for me. As much as I was happy for Y/N, it still hurt. I slipped into our dormitory and sat on the couch. I thought about putting earbuds in, but all I could think about was the dance, and how much I dreaded its arrival.

Maybe I just won't go. That way I won't have to watch...

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now