Chapter 10

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My eyes fluttered open, and, finally, light seeped back into them. I must have lost consciousness at the Italian restaurant, seeing as I was currently in the dormitory. My heart was pounding against my chest, and I could hear it echoing in my eardrums. But it became softer as a familiar face hovered above mine, looking down at me with concerned yet hopeful eyes.

"You're up..." he said, beaming, "I was so worried."
Cold water was dripping down the sides of my face, and I realized there was a damp towel on my head. Had Giyuu been taking care of me the entire time?

"Giyuu..." I managed to say, "What time is it?"
His eyes looked so tired.

"Three in the morning," he responded.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I quietly scolded.

"I have to take care of you," he justified, "Don't worry, I'm not exhausted at all..."
With those few words, he let out a huge yawn and rested his head on top of the bed, just to the right of my body.

I found myself running a hand through his beautiful hair, coaxing him to go to sleep. Giyuu may have been the sweetest person I had ever come across. Who on earth was selfless enough to stay up just to watch over their sick friend? And, thankfully, I wasn't even feeling that terrible any longer. I think it had been a combination of exhaustion, stress, and maybe a bad case of food poisoning. The cocktail shrimp at the homecoming dance had seemed pretty suspicious, after all.

"Stop trying to make me fall asleep," he groaned, propping his chin on top of his wrist as he glanced in my direction, "I already called the office to let them know we'll both be absent from school tomorrow."

I instantly raised an eyebrow.

"You're not sick," I reminded him, "Why do you need to skip class?"

He sighed, clearly weary of my constant need to debate with him about every little thing.

"Because I'm not just going to leave you here," he said in a matter-of-fact way, "Especially when Rengoku told me you were calling for me the whole ride back. I need to stay with you until you're better."

In shock, my eyes widened.

Did I really call for him when I was asleep? That's so embarrassing! I must have been completely out of it, and dreaming lucidly!

"Maybe he heard me wrong!" I loudly reasoned, coughing over my words.

"Shh..." Giyuu ordered, "Don't get worked up. You need to focus on healing and that's it."
His low, soft voice made me feel safe and calm. His oceanic eyes drooped as he momentarily began to fall asleep and then smacked himself awake.

"Giyuu, please go to sleep," I begged, "Or you'll wind up sick too. I would blame myself if that happened. I promise, I'll be fine. After all, you'll be right next to me."

He contemplated before eventually nodding in reluctant agreement.

"Fine, but if you need anything at all, or something's wrong, tell me."
I assured him that I would let him know if something was bothering me, and then he finally slid underneath his sheets and comforter, eyes practically shutting as soon as his head touched the pillow.

"Goodnight, Giyuu," I whispered, admiring his sleeping face.

He was still unbelievably beautiful, even when in a deep slumber.


A knock at the door awoke me at 11 A.M. in the morning. I mustered up the energy to stagger over and open it. When I did, however, I was greeted by none other than Rengoku, who nearly stumbled over his own two feet at the sight of me. Why was he acting so strangely? And then I realized—

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now