Chapter 11

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The next morning, I was feeling completely back to normal, well enough that I could go to class. Giyuu, on the other hand, had seemingly caught whatever virus had infected me. I felt terrible for making him sick, even if it had been a complete accident. I supposed it was inevitable, though, considering we were roommates and doomed to be in close proximity with one another for the larger part of the day.

"I'll collect all of the assignments from your classes," I promised him after he had passionately convinced me to leave him at home and go to school, "And I'll bring you chicken noodle soup during lunch hour."

He smiled and simply shook his head.

"Don't worry about that," he said, "I think I'm just going to take a long nap, so you don't need to bring me any food. I would appreciate if you collected all of the schoolwork I'll have to catch up on, though."

I patted his shoulder lightly.

"Okay," I agreed, "I'll also let you know what goes on at today's student council meeting. Call me if you need anything at all. I'll leave my phone on just in case. Take care of yourself, Giyuu, at least until I get back."
And with those few caring words, I slipped out of the dormitory and headed to my first class of the day. However, as soon as I entered the classroom, a large group of girls swarmed me, all talking over one another at the same time.

"Where's Tomioka?" One asked, "Is he okay?"
"I heard he was sick, is that true?" Another chimed in, "Will he be alright?"

"Psh," a third girl waved her peers off, "She probably doesn't even know anything about Tomioka's condition. Even if they are friends, it's not like they've been close for that long."
Her condescending tone made my insides boil with a raging fury.

"Giyuu is doing just fine," I responded, "And for your information, we are quite close with one another. And even if we weren't, chances are I'd still know him better than you. After all, none of you seemed to acknowledge his existence before homecoming. So, why do you care all of a sudden? Because you realized he's hot?"

I waited for an answer, but not a single one came. Instead, the group of girls just stood there, silent, unsure of what to say.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I scoffed and then took my seat in the back of the room.

I glanced over at the desk Giyuu normally occupied, and couldn't help but feel true sorrow at his absence. I had grown so used to having him around, so life without him felt completely incomplete.


School inched by, seeming to move at the slowest pace possible. I just wanted the day to end so I could quickly run to the Student Council meeting and then go home to Giyuu. My backpack was extra heavy as I walked down the hallways—I was carrying twice the amount of normal material, considering that my roommate's homework was packed into it as well. Exhaling deeply, I entered the Student Council room and was instantly greeted by Shinobu. She blocked my path, giving me no choice but to engage in a conversation with her.

"Where's Tomioka?" She asked.

I laughed, almost hysterically.

"You know, Shinobu, that seems to be the question of the day! If you haven't heard yet, he's sick. But he's fine. So can you please let me sit down now? My back is killing me!"
She reluctantly moved aside, at least allowing me to put my things down on the table before bombarding me with more invasive questions.
"What kind of sickness is it? Is he running a fever? Maybe you should take him to a doctor, I—"

I had reached my limit, and could feel my boiling blood circulate rapidly throughout my veins. I clenched my fists.

"Why do you even care?" I snapped, "You're the one who told Giyuu that no one liked him in the first place! So why do you give a damn if he's sick?"

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now