Chapter 4

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Last night had been a lot of fun. The morning after, on the other hand, not so much. Whose bright idea was it to give me history as my first hour class? It was hard enough waking up at 8:00, let alone dealing with boring lectures only thirty minutes later. Giyuu (I was allowed to call him that since it had been a full twenty-four hours since our first meeting) seemed to fully agree with me, seeing as we both shared that burden. The only class I really looked forward to was trigonometry, where I would be able to see Rengoku. I hated math, so it would be fun to have such a wonderful distraction in such a dull class.

I sat down next to Giyuu in our history class, laying my head on the desk. I was still so sleepy.


I stared at Y/N as she rested on top of her notebook, her face pointed toward me. She was kind of... innocent, in a way. She had a womanly demeanor about her, but her inner child was also strong. I'd felt an instant connection with her from the first time she spoke to me. All of the malice and bad-intentions that were often within other people had not been present in her. That's why I was comfortable sharing a room with her, and telling her things about myself I'd never disclosed before. I felt like her over-protective guardian. I was determined to make sure no one would ever try to corrupt her. She was simply too authentic for the artificial world.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright orange streak pass by me. I flinched, sitting up straight like a rubber band that had been pulled taught and then released. There, in front of me, stood Rengoku. He was looking down at me with worried eyes.

"L/N, are you alright? Why are you lying down?"

Why was he here, in history class? And why had he approached me in the first place?

Don't freak out. Just try to seem calm.

"Oh, Rengoku," I started, "I'm just tired. I had a late night. By the way, what are you doing here? I don't remember you being in this class yesterday!"

He nodded.

"That's because I wasn't," he explained, "But I had to switch language classes, so my schedule got moved around a little bit. Don't worry though, I'll still keep you company in fourth-hour trigonometry!"

I nearly fainted right then and there. This beautiful, vibrant man wanted to keep me company? I could have screamed from the excitement!

"Well," I squeaked, "I'll look forward to it, then!"


I studied Y/N as she conversed with Rengoku. She seemed so flustered, much different than her normal self. And he was being a bit... flirty, to say the least. Rengoku was pretty kind to everyone, even including myself, but something about his usual demeanor changed when he spoke to Y/N. It was sort of cringe-worthy, but he was a decent guy. I didn't think he would do anything to harm Y/N, so I just minded my business and glanced out the familiar window next to my desk. Although, I couldn't shake a strange, rattling feeling inside of my chest. It was unrecognizable. Perhaps it was simply my protective instinct kicking it. Whatever the case, it sure was an adrenaline rush—one that was fairly unenjoyable.



Fourth hour trigonometry had finally arrived, and I boldly made the decision to sit next to Rengoku. After all, I had nothing to lose, right?

"Hey, L/N!" He greeted in his usual, cheerful tone, "See—I told you I'd be here!"

I giggled in a disgustingly girlish way. The high-pitched sound almost made my own ears want to fall off.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now