Chapter 1

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As I sat awaiting math class, more specifically advanced trigonometry, I felt myself begin to zone out. That is, until a fiery-haired senior walked in, a great big smile on his face. His very presence lit up the room, as if his aura was made of scalding-hot flames. I knew immediately—I was attracted to him. My heart palpitated for a brief moment before I ordered it to calm down. Much to my surprise, when he saw me, he actually approached me!

"Ah!" He said loudly, a low yet booming voice suiting his looks, "So you must be the new student Shinobu told me about! Welcome!"

I felt my cheeks go hot.

'Don't blush,' I warned myself.

"Yes, I am!" I answered, covering up my flustered mind with a grin, "My name's—"

"Y/N L/N," he cut me off, "I already know! As for me, I am Kyojuro Rengoku."

What a lovely name. I couldn't believe he actually came over here just to speak with me! What a nice guy!

"Nice to meet you," I sputtered, just as the math teacher walked in.

Rengoku excused himself at the sight of him, and hastily sat down near the front of the class, where a gaggle of his friends were seated. He was so majestic, like a royal knight. How beautiful.


It was finally the most anticipated and most terrifying time of day—lunch hour. The cafeteria was packed with kids—freshmen, sophomores and juniors included—and everyone was either chatting or scarfing down overly baked pizza, which was today's main menu. At least they were serving delicious-looking cupcakes as well. As I walked through the giant room, red tray holding a small piece of pizza and two cupcakes in hand, I scanned the area for a place to sit. My eyes eventually landed on Rengoku, but he was already sitting with the girl I had met earlier, along with six other kids. In other words, his table was packed. Directly behind them, however, sat that strange kid from my history class—Giyuu Tomioka. He was all alone, just eating his food as he stared off into space. I felt really bad for him. But then I realized, I was all by myself as well. I didn't know anyone here. So...maybe he and I could be a little less lonely together. As cringy as it sounded, it added up in my head. So, before long, I found myself taking a seat next to him, clearing my throat to alert him of my presence.

"Hi, Tomioka," I lightheartedly stated, "You don't mind if I join you, right?"

He actually smiled at me, even if it was subtle.

"Not at all," he replied, "I could use the company, I guess."

Feeling better, I began to lick off all of the frosting from the cupcake. It was a quirk of mine—devouring the frosting first, and then eating the cake part.

"Why are you doing that?" He asked, observing me with a concerned gaze.


"Eating the frosting and not the cake."

"Oh..." I stammered, "Well, I always do it. I prefer them separately. Besides, it makes the eating process last longer."

I handed him my other cupcake, seeing as he had only grabbed pizza and nothing else.

"Here," I said, "Try it."

He reluctantly received the dessert and bit off a piece of frosting. His face contorted into disgust.

"Too sweet..." he concluded, coughing, "How can you eat something like that?"

I pouted.

"Well I like it," I whined, "I've always eaten cake that way."

He chuckled softly, shocking me, and his cold eyes softened.

"Then you have at it," he said, "But it's a pass for me. I'll just eat it the normal way."

He took a bite from the cupcake I gave to him.

"Much better."

I couldn't help but smile at him. Why didn't he have any friends? I thought he was kind of sweet.

"Hey, Tomioka," I said, "Sorry for asking, but why do you sit alone?"

He shrugged.

"No one really likes me. That's what Shinobu told me anyway."

Shinobu? The sweet young woman who welcomed me this morning? She really said that?

"So, you're just... friendless?" I mumbled.


I contemplated for a moment before tapping him briefly on the shoulder.

"Well, not anymore!" I exclaimed, "I will be your first and only friend! And if anyone gives us hell about it, I will shut them up!"

Tomioka froze, his mouth hanging slightly open.

"Why?" He asked, genuinely seeming curious.

"Because I think you're pretty cool," I responded, "At first, I thought you would be an asshole, but then I quickly changed my mind. As a matter of fact, you're actually kind of adorable!"

I beamed at him as he bashfully wrung his hands.

"Okay... thanks," he awkwardly muttered.

Just then, Rengoku walked past our table, heading toward the trash and recycling bins to throw aware his plastic silverware. He was as bright and elegant as ever.

"Hey," I whispered to my new friend, "Rengoku... do you know much about him?"

Tomioka narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, he's pretty nice. He's a part of the student council."

I raised my eyebrows.


Tomioka nodded. So that's why he was sitting with Shinobu and those other kids—they must make up the student council.

"Wait..." I said, "But I was told the council had nine members!"

Tomioka nodded.

"Yeah," he affirmed, "I'm the ninth."

I fell dead silent.

"What... Tomioka, you're on the student council? I thought you said everyone disliked you!"

"Maybe, but I am top of the class," he nonchalantly explained, "So I probably didn't get the social vote, but everyone still respects me, if that makes sense."

"That's awesome!" I praised.

I could use this to my advantage, so I could get closer to Rengoku.

"Hey, do you think I could come with you to a meeting or two? I was a part of the junior's council at my last school," I said, hopeful.

Tomioka thought for a moment before parting his lips to answer.

"Okay, the first meeting is after school," he approved, "You can be my assistant, how's that?"

"Your assistant?" I repeated, a bit too loudly, "Why do you need an assistant?"

"All of the members have one, except for me. No one wanted to do it," he begged with desperate eyes, "I would really appreciate it."

I turned into a pile of mush at his gentle, pleading voice.

"Fine," my conscience decided for me, "I'll be your assistant."

Not only would it boost Tomioka's confidence, but also give me a reason to be in Rengoku's vicinity.

This was going to be an adventure.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now