Chapter 8

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Rengoku kissed me goodnight lightly on the cheek, turning a soft fuchsia as he did. My heart was thumping in my chest as well.

"I have to tell you something," he said softly, "I... like you, Y/N. Quite a bit."

This was everything I had ever yearned so desperately to hear. So, why wasn't I jumping with glee? Why was I not giggling my head off as my heart soared above the clouds? I couldn't understand.

"I like you too," I mustered, "I have since the beginning of the school year."

He gave a powerful smile, exuding confidence in the best way possible.

"Then, would you like to go on a date with me? A real date?"

I felt my lips creep up into a soft beam.

"Of course," I accepted, "How about dinner?"

He nodded approvingly.

"Sure thing! What's your favorite food? I'm sure I can find someplace that'll serve it!"

I contemplated carefully for a moment. In all honesty, I appreciated all food groups, and found pleasure in each and every restaurant I visited.

"I really like Italian!" I responded after a minute.

"So do I!" He exclaimed, "Then, should we go tomorrow evening? Don't worry about arranging anything, I will handle it all!"
I chuckled lightheartedly.

"You're so amazing, Rengoku," I said, obviously flattering him, "It's a date, then! Goodnight!"
With those last few happy words, I turned around to walk back to the dorm but found that my path was obstructed by a shadowy figure, who was staring up at the moonlight. Its beams reflected upon his dark, sapphire eyes.

"Giyuu..." I spoke gently, "Giyuu! Hey! What are you still doing here?"

He glanced over at me nonchalantly, but then a barely noticeable smirk appeared on his light pink lips.

"I promised that I'd wait for you," he reminded me, "Did you forget?"

I shook my head, my throat suddenly feeling quite dry for some reason.

"No, I remember, but you didn't have to. It's really late."
He shrugged and began to walk alongside me. We strolled down the small avenue without saying another word to one another. And yet, it felt so comfortable. It wasn't awkward it all. Time just seemed to flow naturally when I was Giyuu, even if he was all dressed up in a sleek, black suit. There was a silent trust between the two of us. It was almost surreal.


I had taken a risk going to homecoming. But it might have paid off. Everyone treated me differently in there, like I wasn't completely invisible. What a change of pace it was. I had been right all along—people truly were shallow beyond measure. Still, I hadn't minded the way Y/N was looking at me when I walked into the room. And it had been nice having her cling to my side. Rather than repressing my growing feelings, I should have been accepting them all along. With a little nurturing, they could become strong and sturdy. They were like a golden flower in bloom; without the sun, soil, and water, the seeds would simply remain buried.


When Giyuu and I arrived back at the dormitory, I violently kicked off my high heels, my feet sighing of relief immediately after.

"That feels so much better!" I yelped before collapsing on the couch.

Giyuu sat next to me, having taken off his suit jacket to reveal nothing but a white shirt, which was a bit see-through if I stared hard enough. Which is why I hastily turned my eyes front, feeling a bit perverted on the inside. He smelled of delectable cologne, but it wasn't overwhelming. He had sprayed just enough to enchant the nostrils of those directly around him, without it becoming irritating.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now