Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Kimetsu no Yaiba High school was run similarly to a boarding-school, meaning the students would sleep in dormitories linked to the school building, and only visit home on the holidays. I was a bit worried about this when I first found out, but I thought it would benefit me in the long-term since the experience would better prepare me for college.

Tomioka and I had finished cleaning up the graffiti about an hour ago. It was a tedious task, but the proud, content look on his face when he saw the end result was worth the time and labor. As for the past thirty minutes, I had been waiting in line at the main office for my dorm assignment. I was finally approaching the desk, after waiting in a long line of students. I was the final person to approach the poor lady, who looked exhausted after what I assumed was a tiring day.

"Hello," I said politely, "I'm here for my dorm assignment."

She typed something into her desktop computer.

"Name, birthday, and grade," she requested.

I gave the information as prompted and observed her face as it contorted once she inputted more words into the online document.

"That's odd..." she whispered, "It seems that there are no more girls' dorms available!"

My eyes widened in horror.

"What?" I exhaled sharply, "But that doesn't make any sense! As soon as I enrolled here, I was told that I would share a dorm with one other person!"

The woman adjusted her boxy glasses.

"Well, it seems there has been some sort of mistake. I'll have to contact the principal about it once he gets back. Right now, he's in the hospital being treated for a rare illness. He should be fully recovered by the end of the month. Until then, we'll have to think of something else to do!"

I buried my head in my hands. Would I be forced to spend my nights in the school courtyard, lying on a bench as the frigid nighttime wind suffocated me in my sleep? I sincerely hoped not.

"Our second-best option is to have you temporarily occupy a dorm with a male student," she stated flatly.

I nearly choked on my own air.

"E-excuse me," I stammered, "You want me to sleep in the same room as a boy?"

It was as though my worst nightmare was coming to fruition. But then, my mind instantly ran to Rengoku—sharing a room with him wouldn't be so bad. Actually, it would be a golden opportunity.

"Hopefully, you know one of the boys here well enough so that you're comfortable," The lady continued, "Anyone in mind?"

I nearly blurted out my answer.
"Kyojuro Rengoku, a fellow senior."
The woman immediately typed his name into the computer and then scoffed when a result popped up.

"That's too bad," she murmured, "His room is already full."

My heart nearly sank into my feet. I should have known-Rengoku was popular amongst everyone, it seemed.

"What about Giyuu Tomioka?" She asked, "He's also a senior, and he doesn't have a roommate."

I felt my lips automatically turn upward at the mention of a friend's familiar name. I nodded vigorously, giving it no second thought.
"Yeah, that's great!" I exclaimed, "We're actually friends."
The lady smiled with evident relief.

"That's good. Hopefully it won't be too awkward for either one of you, then."

It was a strange situation for sure, but at least I wouldn't be sharing a dorm with a total stranger. Tomioka was the perfect second option, so I couldn't complain much at all. The woman handed to me a silver key. The number: "253" was etched into its metal.

My Heart's Roommate (Giyuu Tomioka x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now