Chapter 2-Goodbye Forever

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You lived in that home for five whole months before you realized you had a huge problem. You were in love with the damn headmistress of the place! Of all people to fall in love with, you chose the most complex one.

You called Olive away from the rest of the group and led her to the parlor so you could talk. "Olive, I can't stay here anymore. I need to leave the loop while I still can."

"Y/n, what? Are you joking? Because it isn't funny." You stayed silent and gave her a sad look. "But why? You've been here for five months! And now you're just ready to pack up and leave?"

"I'm sorry.." Was all you could say.

"No! At least tell me why! Tell my why you're leaving us..."

"Promise not to tell a soul?" She just nodded. "I've fallen in love with Miss Peregrine." You said bluntly, speaking fast and quiet fearing someone else may hear. "And I'm scared that one day I'll do something stupid, and that by then I'll have been here too long and that time will catch up to me if I try to run and leave."

Olive sighed. "As much as I hate this, I understand. Will you visit?" You shook your head no.

"But you can visit me. I'll stay on the present day island. Just never let Miss P come with. I won't be taking any chances."


Miss Peregrine was just as confused and sad as everyone else to hear that you were leaving. She also knew that Olive knew the reason behind it. But she wouldn't pry. Though she was left even more upset when you said goodbye and hugged everyone except her. Perhaps you just hated her and you were just leaving to escape her presence?

When you turned at the cave entrance for one final look at the people who'd housed you for months, your eyes met hers. And she saw so many emotions wanting to pour out of you, sadness, guilt, pain, hope. But that one glance, that one last look in your eyes, would bring her no closer to the truth. That you loved her more than anything.


Sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be much longer.

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