Chapter 8-Made Me Love You

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"Everything that's happened, it's all your fault!" You yelled at her a few tears leaving your eyes now, the dark doing very little to hide them from her sharp eyes.

"How is it my fault?!"

"You're the reason I left! You're the reason I came back! You're the reason I'm like this!" You gestured to yourself. "I've never been so conflicted. You make me happy and sad at the same damn time and it's so confusing!" You yelled.

"What did I ever do to you? What did I do to make you hate me?!" She yelled back, tears threatening to leave her eyes as well.

"You made me fall in love with you!" You screamed before you could stop yourself.

She was speechless for the first time ever. "I- no.. You don't really mean that... R-right.? Y/n, I don't.. I don't love you..."

"You think I don't know that? It's why I fucking left. You didn't love me. You never have, and you never will." You sighed, holding yourself in your arms. "I'm going home tomorrow, to my real home. Outside of the loop. You won't have to hear a word from me ever again. No one in the loop will." You said with finality, though unable to stop your voice from wavering.

"Y/n..." She said, taking a few steps towards you. You turned to run away. "Y/n!" She screamed as you ran off. You looked back to see her chasing you. Her heels kept sinking into the sand and eventually she gave up and kicked them off, abandoning them on the beach as she chased you. "Y/N!" She screamed! You glanced back only to find she wasn't there at all.

"Miss Peregrine?" You stopped running to better look around. "Miss Peregrine?!" You went over to were you'd last saw her. Her footprints in the sand ended but there were two other sets of footprints that looked to be made by mens shoes. You began frantically looking around until you heard a voice behind you.

"Lookin  for someone?" You turned to see Barron standing there. "I'm alive. Supriseeee!" He said with fake joy. "Listen we'll give back your bird, if you hand over yourself in return. You seem to have the same ymbryne talent of controlling time without being able to turn into a bird. Yours is believed even more powerful though, you can freeze something individual rather than everything. Not to mention those damn birds can't stop time, just rewind it."

"Where is she? Release her and I'll go willingly. It's no hard decision. I was about to leave the loop anyway." He gave you a strange look and gestured for someone to come out of hiding. Two men emerged from the trees holding the since tied up and gaged Miss Peregrine by the arms. Her wrists were tied behind her and she could shuffle at best with her legs tied at the knees.

"I'm Caul this is my brother Myron. Nice to finally meet the person that's going to save our experiment."

"And don't try pausing us." His brother piped up. "It won't work. We're immune due to my impeccable study and science on the subject."

"Ima just call you bitch face and science nerd. Cool? Cool." You said glaring at the two. Myron scoffed and Caul just grinned, before throwing Miss Peregrine to the ground and giving her a strong kick to the side. She let out a muffled whimper. "Hey, stop! Don't hurt her!"

"Time to go!" Barron said grabbing both your arms and putting them in cuffs behind your back. He grabbed you by the arm and dragged you over to the two men. "Myron, untie her hands and she can free herself from there. She won't be able to go after us with those kids. Especially if she wants to make sure they're safe." He sent the woman on the ground a sadistic grin.

"Have you hurt the children?!" You yelled at him.

"Be quiet!" You yelled and smacked you over the back of the head with his other hand. "Let's go." He said, pulling you along.

"It's been great seeing you Alma! I look forward to never laying my eyes on you again!" Vial said before catching up to Barron and you. You found it odd he'd called her Alma but didn't question it. Myron soon joined the rest of you, leaving the loop and getting on the ferry to the mainland. They'd timed it perfectly to catch one.


Haha they're in deep shit now

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