Chapter 6-Pub

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Two nights later and you found yourself unable to sleep. Every train of thought just led back to her. You sighed and got out of bed. You changed into regular clothes rather than the nightgown you'd been wearing, and quietly made your way out of your room and downstairs. You left the house and began walking at a brisk pace towards the village.

You soon arrived at the pub and went to sit at the bar. "Get me whatever will make me stop feeling things." You said to the landlord who was working behind the bar. He grinned and pulled out a glass, pouring you something that looked gross and smelled even worse. You downed it in two gulps and set the glass back down. "Another one." You said as you looked over the room.

The landlord chuckled and poured you a second drink. "Drinkin' away feelings for someone are ya?" You nodded with a small hum as you noticed an objectivity attractive man in the corner staring at you. You didn't much find him attractive, because women. And he'd definitely have better luck hitting on any other woman in town than you. But he started to walk over anyway.

You downed your second drink and slammed the glass back down as he sat beside you. "Hello, can I buy you a drink?" You looked him over skeptical but just shrugged and nodded. You had little to lose and you could always go back to the house if he made you uncomfortable. "My name is Jack."

"Okay, Jake." He looked confused for a moment then gave you an expecting look. "My names Angelica." You lied.

"That's beautiful." He said before turning to the landlord. "Get this lovely woman another drink, on me.

"Make that three."

"Oh my, you sure you can drink that much?" You sent him a small glare. "Three it is!" The bartender shook his head but took out two more glasses, placing them next to the one that was already out before filling them again. You took one and began sipping on it. "Say how about once your done we head back to my place? I'd just need to use the outhouse real quick than I'd be ready to go."

"Sure, go, take your time. These drinks will take me a bit." He nodded and left, going towards the outhouse at the side of the building. You quickly downed all three drinks, whipping your lips on your sleeve before reaching over the bar and grabbing a bottle of vodka.

"Hey!" The landlord protested. "Gimme that back! You ain't paid!"

"Jim will take care of it!" You hiccuped as you walked to the door. "It's Jim right? Jim, John, Josh. Same diff." You said to yourself as you stumbled out of the pub and made your way back to the house.

When you arrived you walked in and went to the parlor first. You hid the bottle on the top of a high bookshelf behind a decorative woven basket. You then headed up to your room. The light flicked on as soon as you shut the door. Miss Peregrine was sat on your bed, very clearly upset. "Well shiiiiit." You said laughing a bit. "Hey. Whatcha up to?"

She looked at you with a confused glare. "Where have you been?" She stood up, walking over to you. "You cannot just leave in the middle of the night and run off to bird know where-" She cut herself off when she got closer to you. She sniffed the air and took a step back. "Are you drunk?" She asked.

"Whaa? Nooo.." She gave you a skeptical look and took a couple steps forward to grab you by the shoulders.

She sighed and pulled you closer to her to give you a short hug. "We're going to be talking about this in the morning. Now, go to bed." Her tone was stern and she led you over to your bed with her hand resting on the small of your back.

"This isn't fair! It's your fault anyways!" You yelled not really thinking straight. But to be fair, you weren't straight.

 "This is my fault? How is any of this my fault?"

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