Chapter 13-Cuckoo

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It's been a month now, since the incident. Another bed had been added to Victor's room where Emma now laid just as peacefully as the boy. She wore a fancy pure white dress in a similar design to his, made by Horace. Olive's arm had fully healed and Fiona woke up within the first week, her injuries being mostly healed.

You, who arrived at the home bruised and bloody now had only a few of the worse cuts still remaining. Your left arm was bandaged under the elbow and your right leg had one large bandaid on your thigh.

Most ymbrynes were fairly busy, wither it be with council duties or their wards. But today Miss Avocet would be coming by to check in. You rushed to answer the knock on the door. When you opened it you found not one, but two women standing outside. "Hello, and who might you be?" The younger woman said in a French accent.

"I'm Y/n. Who might you be?"

"Miss Cuckoo." The woman responded. "This is Miss Avocet. Has Alma finally found someone?" She asked, earning a small slap on the shoulder from the older woman. You felt blush creep into your cheeks. "Right, sorry Esmeralda. But you're not together?" She asked, whispering. You shook your head, adverting your eyes. "A shame."

"Isabel!" Miss Peregrine yelled, rushing down the hall. You stood aside as Miss Cuckoo opened her arms to greet her friend.

"Alma! There you are!" Miss Peregrine gave her a hug and a quick kiss on each cheek as a greeting. "How are you doing? I heard the bad news and decided a visit was in order."

"I'm alright. It's wonderful to see you again." She pulled away from Miss Cuckoo before turning her attention to Miss Avocet. "Now Esmeralda, don't think I forgot about you." She said before going to hug the older woman as well.

"It's great to see you Alma, dear. But I'm afraid I'm here on business. I'll need to speak with each of your wards and see the recently deceased.

"Of course, Enoch will be able to show you to Emma's body. Come with me." She led Miss Avocet away, arm in arm to go and find Enoch. Leaving you alone with Miss Cuckoo who was grinning at you.

"You sure you're not dating Alma? I saw that way you looked at her as she spoke."

You coughed her her words and tried to hide the blush on your face by covering it with your elbow. "No- No we're not. I mean, I like her, I even told her, but she doesn't feel the same.. Doesn't matter anyway it'll go away soon..." You stoped talking when the woman let out a laugh.

"Aw, Little Miss Perfect refuses to admit she likes you too? I suppose she's always guarded her emotions nicely. Don't worry, I'll remind her it's alright feel things." You didn't respond because Miss Peregrine came back into the room. "Ah, Alma, come on, why don't we go for a walk?" She held out her elbow for Miss Peregrine to loop her arm through. She did just that and led the other woman outside. "So Alma, who's this Y/n character? She seemed fond of you."

"Oh, yes." The shorter woman gave an awkward laugh. "I'm afraid she's has feelings for me. A shame I don't reciprocate."

"Oh? You don't. How strange. I could've sworn that when walked into the hall your eyes brighten at the sight of her. And then you noticed me and got sidetracked, naturally." Miss Cuckoo grinned at the other ymbryne.

"Are you insinuating that I do indeed reciprocate Y/n's feelings towards me?" She said, stoping misstep to give Isabel a strange look. "Because you'd be incorrect."

"Oh but I very much think that I am correct in my assumption. What are the first three describing words that come to mind when you think of her?"

"Beautiful, sweet, perfect." She said simply then thought over her words. "Shit."

Miss Cuckoo have a fake loud gasp. "What was that for?"

"I fear your assumptions were after all, correct..."


It may or may not be a good sign that a perfect place to end presented itself at 666 words

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