Chapter 11-Home Again

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When you arrived back in Cairnholm you stepped off the ferry and noticed yourself hesitanting. Should you go back to the loop? Probably not, you already told Miss Peregrine you'd never come back. But you had to make sure everyone was safe. And you should probably warn them that Barron and his men would likely come back for you.

You began walking to the entrance. But the walk got faster and faster until you were full of running back to the house. You rapidly knocked on the door. It took a minute, which was odd, even weirder, Enoch answered, and he was holding a crossbow. "Who- Oh. Y/n, we thought you were dead. Come on in. Miss P will be glad to know your safe." He set the loaded crossbow down by the door and began to lead you through the halls.

"This place has been gloomy the past few days. Which normally I wouldn't object to, but after... after that night no one can really be happy. Miss Peregrine has locked herself away in her room. I've been in charge for a while. I've had to leave plates of food outside her door just to make sure she eats." He led you upstairs and stoped at the end of the hall glancing at you before knocking. "Miss Peregrine, are you awake?" He yelled at the door, than whispered to you. "She's either asleep or crying these days. You heard a faint 'go away!' from inside. "But Miss P, Y/n is here!"

You heard things being knocked over and the bang of something against the door. And then it swung open. Miss Peregrine was a mess. Her hair was down and tangled, her eyes red and puffy, her once perfect makeup a mess. She wore her usual white button up shirt, it was wrinkled and the top few buttons of it were undone, exposing the cop of her cleavage, but now wasn't the time to think about that. She also wore sweatpants, which was new. You wondered where she'd even gotten them.

"Y/n!" She cried and jumped at you. "You're alive! You're alive and you're safe!" She voice was scratchy. You wrapped your arms around her, glad she hadn't turned you away. Enoch had since walked away.

"Are you alright, Miss Peregrine? What's happened here?" She staggered back and grabbed her doorframe for support. "You're worrying me.." She shook her head and turned to walk into her room, gesturing for you to follow. You did just that, closing the door behind you. She may have been a mess but her room was still relatively clean, with the exception of papers scattering her desk and the three different stacks of books on the floor.

"After they took you, I wanted to follow. But I had to check on the children.. I ran all the way home but it was too late. Hugh got no more than a black eye, I wish I could say the same for all of them.. Olive's arm was broken, Fiona is still in a coma. And Emma..." Set sat on the edge of her bed, her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

"What happened to Emma?" You asked but feared you already knew. You sat beside Miss Peregrine and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Exactly what I thought happened to you. She's dead. My child is dead, Y/n! And it's all my fault. I'm so incompetent that I lost a second child."

"No, no, Miss Peregrine! Look at me." You grabbed her hands to move them away from her face, holding them in yours. "It it's anyones fault, it's mine. Barron only came here for me. I ran off, I was the reason you weren't at home. Im sorry, I'm so sorry." You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her to you. She didn't speak but leaned into you, crying, balling up your shirt into her fists. You rubbed calming circles on her back as she cried into your chest.

After a while she fell asleep on you. You doubted she'd gotten much the past few days so you carefully laid her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket. You then left the room and made your way downstairs. You tidied up the house and greeted each of the children. You began making lunch when you felt arms around your waist and someone's chin rest on your shoulder. You glanced back to see Miss Peregrine had waken up.

"Hello there, how are you feeling?" She just hummed in response. "Well then, how about you get changed for the day? It is almost noon after all." She shook her head and pulled you closer to her. "Are you alright, Miss P?" You asked, turning around to face the taller woman. She hesitated a moment but nodded. You sighed. "Alright, come on." You grabbed her hand and brought her back to your room before walking over to her wardrobe  and beginning to pull out the clothes that make up her usual outfit. You laid them out on the bed before grabbing a hairbrush. "Sit." You patted the edge of the bed. She did as you asked and you sat on your knees behind her and began to brush her hair for her. She hummed and leaned back a bit. "The children miss you."

"Do they? I noticed you started making lunch. I suppose I'll join them today." There was a calm moment of silence before she spoke again. "I'm glad you're back. Please don't leave again. I know you said you would. Please don't. I want you here. I don't care about what you said before, I can ignore that if you want, Y/n. And it's dangerous out there! With Barron and.. and those brothers on the lose." She kept listing reasons for you not to leave. "And plus the children have missed you."

"Hey." You said, cutting her off. "I won't leave. And yes, please, ignore it. I'm sure it'll go away eventually anyway." You said, pausing mid brushstroke before continuing. But you both knew your feelings for her wound not simple vanish.


Haha. Alma doesn't love you.

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