Chapter 7-Her Fault

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The next couple days left you sadder than usual. It seemed that Miss Peregrine pretending to be your girlfriend left you more lovesick than before. Now you worked at your desk, just practicing your art. You took a large sip from your water bottle as Olive entered the room. "Hey Y/n!" She said bounding over and snatching the bottle from you. "Hope you don't mind, I'm parched." You tried to reach up and grab it from her but she took a sip before you could. Though she quickly spat it out. "Yuck! What on earth is that?"

"Watered down vodka. Don't tell Miss P." You said, taking the bottle from her before returning to your art.

"Ew, fine. Whatcha drawing?" She asked, leaning over your shoulder. You removed your hand from the paper so she could see. On the page was a detailed drawing of a taloned hand holding up a feather. "I take it that's Miss Peregrine?" You nodded. "Of course it is. Simp!"

You sighed. "I shouldn't have taught you current day slang."

"Probably not. Anyway, are you okay? You've been less talkative lately, and haven't been going outside as much."

You couldn't help yourself from laughing. "Sure." You said, which wasn't at all a clear answer. Olive sighed and left the room.

You made sure she was gone before drinking the last of the liquid in your water bottle before going to dig a box out from under your bed. I'm in held multiple bottles of wine, one of vodka, three knives of varying sizes, and a loaded gun that of course still had the safety on. You took the bottle of vodka and refilled your water bottle before hiding it away under your bed again.

A knock on your door drew you away from your thoughts. You yelled for whoever it was to come in but didn't look to see who it was as you heard the door open and shut. The click of heels I'm told you all you needed to know. "Olive said she was worried about you, dear. Is something going on?"

"Olive lied." You said simply as you shaded the feather on your paper. She walked over to your desk and snatched your water bottle, lifting it to her lips. "Miss Peregrine, no!" It was too late, she's already taken a sip.

"Y/n. I cannot allow you to be drinking alcohol in a place where children roam freely. What if they were to come across some?"

"They'd think it tastes gross." You said, going to grab the bottle from her but missing as she pulled it out of your reach. "And don't at like you're so perfect. You must drink, right? Even if only occasionally."

"I don't." She said. You sighed and stood, leaving your room and going downstairs. She followed you. "Where are you going?" She asked as you reached the front door.

"For a walk." You said before leaving without another word, not wanting to hear her protests.


It was getting dark and you were still gone. You'd left a little before lunch and have missed both dinner and lunch by now. Reset had been completed and everyone was probably sleeping, not caring about the fact you'd been gone all day. You stood on the beach, looking out at the ocean reflecting the stars that shined above. "Y/n, there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. It's been over eight hours. And I'm sure you're hungry." She paused as if waiting for a response but you didn't so much as look at her. She continued to fill the silence. "Why did you leave? What's been going on with you?" Her tone was firm as she took a few steps closer to you.

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!" You yelled, tears threatening to leave your eyes.

She went quiet and took a few steps back. "What.?"


Short chapter to set up for the next one

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