Chapter 4-Back Home

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The boat ride back seemed to take years. Miss Peregrine flew overheard most of the time. She seemed to be unharmed but hadn't changed back yet. Perhaps she just didn't want to speak with you? And you suppose it was with good reason. You basically abandoned her five years ago and hadn't spoken since. Your presence now was probably shocking.

Even just walking back to the loop entrance she stayed in bird form. You would've just left to go back home but you needed to enter the cave to resume the loop.

Once you and everyone else left the cave you unfroze it. Though when you turned to leave right away Olive grabbed you by the arm. "It's been so long since you've been here? Why don't you stay, if only for a day?" She smiled hopefully.

Everyone else has already begun the walk home. You looked up to see Miss Peregrine hovering above the two of you. Would she want you to stay? Doubtful. But you did miss the kids and the beautiful house where you once lived. "Fine, but only for one day." You sighed, and Olive cheered.

You almost forgot what it felt like to be back in that house. It still looked the same, but being there it just felt different. You stayed in the yard with most of the children but soon Emma came out to get you. "Y/n, Miss Peregrine wants to speak with you in her study." You nodded, giving the girl a small smile before heading inside.

You took a deep breath before going to knock on her door. But it opened just before you could do so. You walked inside, keeping your head down and eyes trained on the floor. After the door shut you waited to be scolded or yelled at but that never came. Instead you were pulled into a tight embrace. You stood confused for a moment but quickly hugged her back. When she pulled away again you noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Why did you leave? You never wrote. Never visited. The only why I knew you were doing alright was when Olive returned from her visits." She took a couple of steps away from you and her eyes moved to the floor. "Is it because of me? Is it my fault you left?"

"What? No, Miss Peregrine, of course not!" Though in a way she was pretty much correct.

"Then why did you give everyone one final hug, and say goodbye, wishing them all the best, except for me? You didn't utter a word to me! For birds sake you didn't even look at me, Y/n. I thought you were leaving to avoid me. That perhaps you hated me..." Well now she was less correct.

"Miss Peregrine, look at me." You took a step closer and put a hand on her shoulder, making her look up. "I have never, and will never hate you. You're wonderful and brilliant, how could I? I'm sorry I never bid you goodbye, you didn't deserve my ignoring you." You let your hand drop from her shoulder and took a deep breath before continuing. "And if it makes you feel any better, I've thought about it. And I'll stay for good this time, if you still want me too?"

You saw a glint of hope in her eyes and a grin appeared on her face before she cleared her throat to respond. "That's wonderful. The children will be thrilled to hear. And I am glad." She pulled you into a one armed hug before dismissing you again.


She was right as she most often is. The children were overjoyed to hear you'd be staying with them. "Y/n!" Olive spoke as she pulled you aside. "What the hell?" She whacked you over the back of the head with her gloved hand. "You use extreme lengths to avoid this woman and avoid visiting for five whole years and suddenly your back to stay in the same house as her?"

"Yes! It was a mistake to leave in the first place. I missed Miss Peregrine, and you, and the children, and Miss Peregrine so much." You paused for a moment, thinking over what you'd just said. "I said Miss Peregrine twice didn't I?" Olive just gave you a pointed look in return. "Moving on. I thought distance wouldn't help me get over her. But it just hurt worse to be without her."

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