Chapter 9-Torture

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"So where exactly are you taking me?" You asked during the ferry ride to the mainland.

"I bought a fairly large and old house in the mainland." Myron said. "So old that it has cells in the basement. I've made the rest of the basement my working space so I can keep an eye on you while I work out what I need to do with you to make this experiment work."

"We already have a lead. With any luck you'll be dead within two days." His brother said.

"Yes, yes that's true." Myron said.

The rest of the ride was silent. You didn't bother asking anymore questions. Your mind was filled with thoughts of Miss Peregrine and the children. Had there been other wights at the house with the kids? If so why had they not boarded the ferry with us. Had they killed everyone in the loop? Maybe Miss Peregrine got home and killed them. Or maybe Barron was just bluffing.

You tried to memorize the route they took you after you left the ferry. They took countless turns into weird alleys and near forgotten streets. Until they finally arrived at a house that looked as though the roof was about to fall in on itself. Multiple windows were broken and fixed with wooden boards nailed into the frames. The front door creaked as Mr Barron opened it. As did every other door the led you through until you arrived at the bottom of the basement stairs.

The room was set up almost like a scientists lab. You didn't know what a lot of the machines were but many looked like some sort of torture devices. Barron threw you into your cell and unlocked the handcuffs that had been just tight enough to sore your wrists. He stepped out and locked the cage.


Two days had come and gone. They'd each entered your cell multiple times, each with different goals. Mr Barron asked you questions, about your peculiarity and Miss Peregrine's loop. If you refused to answer any he'd harm you. Caul seemed to have no goal whatsoever and just entered your cell to torture you. He gave you countless bruises. Even once took a knife and cut intricate patters into your legs. Myron seemed determined to harness your peculiarity for themselves more than anything. He's done multiple tests on you, taking samples of tissue and made you spit in a jar, cat off some of your hair. He's taken more of your blood than he probably should've leaving you dizzy the rest of the day and unable to stand for hours, making you sit on the uncomfortable stone floor. You hadn't been fed, nor have had any water since they brought you here. It didn't help that you also hadn't eaten the day they'd taken you.

Today you felt like experimenting. Myron was working at a nearby desk. He said he was immune to your peculiarity. You hadn't bothered trying to use it since you got here. You rewinded time, just by a few seconds and only within the basement. Myron rewinded with it. You almost cheered when you realized.

"Heyo science nerd!" You yelled to him.

"I told you not to call me that. What do you want."

"Are you gonna do anymore tests today? I want to be prepared if you're gonna suck all the blood out of me again."

He sighed and stood up, walking over to your cage. "I suppose I do need another tissue sample. Might as well get it now." He grabbed the keys to your cell and walked over. As soon as he unlocked it you froze him.

"Thanks for the freedom sciences nerd. Now come on. I need someone's life to threaten if I run into any trouble with the other two." You grabbed a knife that had sat on a tray of torture items and pulled Myron by the collar of his shirt. You dragged him behind you up the stairs. It was oddly quiet up here. Nonetheless you kept going towards the front door. You made it out easily. The real challenge would be finding your way back to the ferry.

But of course you got a really bad idea. You pulled Myron into a nearby alley and unfroze him. "Try to run and I kill you." You warned before he could even get off the ground. "Bring me to the ferry. Take roads flooded with people. Do not try to run away or tell your friends. My hand will be on this knife at all times. If you defy me, I will slit your throat. Am I understood?" He nodded rapidly as he stood up from the ground. You put your right hand on his left shoulder and your left hand held your knife, hidden under your shirt.

He led you through another series of wording terns until you reached the ferry. Before you could release him you heard a familiar voice yell. "Myron!" Caul had found you. You took out your knife and stabbed the science nerd in the side, thinking Caul might stop and help him, before getting onto the ferry, knife still in hand.

It was about to leave as Caul ran over. He ignored his injured brother and ended up having to grab onto the side of it and tried to pull himself up. In response you stabbed the back of his hand, he screamed and fell back into the water.

You were finally head back to the island.


I hate wights

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