Chapter 5-Dishes

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The next day was completely uneventful until free time after lunch. You were in the parlor telling Olive, Enoch, and Emma about your time outside of the loop. "And I meant this lovely family, the Collins, who let me stay in their guest room while I was saving to rent my own place. It was only for a month and they were very kind. Donna and Ed were the homeowners that offered me the room. They had two kids, Eva and Aaron. I wonder how they're all doing." You grinned making hand gestures as you spoke.

"Maybe they're all dead." Enoch shrugged.

"Are you joking?"

"Not in the slightest. They very well could've died."

You sent him a glare as you leaned over the side of the couch and grabbed a lamp off a nearby end table. You proceeded to throw said lamp at him while yelling. "Lighten the fuck up!"

Emma and Olive giggled like a couple of crazies while Enoch dodged the throw. Though the lamp did break when it hit the floor. When the two girls suddenly went quiet you looked over confused. Then followed their gazes to the doorframe, where Miss Peregrine stood glaring at you. "Well shit. Hey Miss P! What's up?" You said, smiling in hopes she'd do the same rather than get pissed. But it was too late for that.


Now you stood in her office awaiting punishment. "You're lucky he's unharmed or this would be a lot worse. You're going to assist me in doing the worst chore in the house. The dishes, after every meal, for a month. I'll still be there to help as I don't want to stray from the schedule."

"I'd complain, but that sounds fair. Now May I leave?" She sighed and waved you off, you almost ran out of the room.

For a while Enoch ignored you. But eventually you annoyed him enough to get him to tell you off. It wasn't long before dinner had ended. You were about to go and get ready for movie night as usual but someone grabbed your wrist. "Not so fast, Y/n. Dishes." Miss Peregrine led you back to the sink, not letting go of your wrist. "Hurry, we don't want to be late."

It wasn't long before you joined everyone else for movie time. It started with Horace looking at nice clothes as usual. The scene changed, showing you doing the dishes with Miss Peregrine. But this couldn't have been tonight. The sun was out and the two were talking about something you couldn't hear. Soon the conversation grew upsetting, or at least the two looked upset. Miss Peregrine glares at you and looked to be yelling something. And in response, you ran. She followed to the front door but didn't follow as you ran off towards the town. She simply turned around, walked back into the house, and shut the door.

The scene shifted again. Now it was dark, at the beach. One figure looked at at the ocean, lost in thought. A second figure approached the first and began saying something that sounded like a bunch of noncoherent mumbles to those outside of the dream. The first figure just stayed quiet and looked away, so the first continued. Until the first one yelled something and appeared to be crying. And then the screen went dark.

"That was mysterious." Olive joked as everyone stood up to go outside. The restart never failed to amaze you, especially after having not seen it in so long. And you thought it a good distraction from thinking too hard about the dream where Miss Peregrine yelled at you. You'd always been fascinated by the way Miss Peregrine could so easily manipulate time. It was like second nature to her, as simple as breathing. But the simple act kept everyone here safe. Able to live another day, well relive the same day.

Everyone headed back in and began getting ready for bed. Olive came to check in on you in your room. "So now that you're back what are you going to do about you know who?"


"What? No. What the heck is a Voldemort?"

"Unimportant, what we're you saying about you know who?"

"Right, well you can't just run away anymore. And now with your punishment you'll have to stand next to her three times a day for a month. How do you plan on coping now?"

"I'll probably get a drink or five down at the pub. While I was away that's what I did when the emotions got to be too much. I'll just sneak out once in a while to drink away my feelings." You shrugged.

"You know how Miss Peregrine feels about drinking, Y/n."

"I'd bet you anything she's most definitely a hypocrite when it comes to alcohol. I suspect she has a stash of wine hidden somewhere."

"Oh be quiet! Just be carful, alright? And don't get into the habit of it."

"Okay, mom. But you should head to bed. Miss Peregrine won't be pleased if we're not all in bed when she does her rounds." Olive did just that, and lucky she left because Miss Peregrine entered your room just a minute later.

She sighed. "I'm not sure why I yelled at you in that dream. Just don't do anything that would prompt it. I don't want to yell at you anymore than you want to be yelled at." You nodded at this and gave her a small smile or which she returned. "Goodnight, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Miss Peregrine."


Have a wonderful day!

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