Chapter 12-Family

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"You look much better." You said when the door to Miss Peregrine's room opened again. She'd changed, put up her hair, and fixed her makeup. "I forgot to ask, where'd you get sweatpants anyway? I never thought I'd see you wear anything like that."

"Oh, uh." She glanced around but gave you a small lopsided grin. "They're yours. Hope you don't mind." Oh this woman is pure evil. She doesn't love you, no. But she'll steal your clothes?! Evil!

"I don't. Now, help me complete lunch, will you?"

"Sure, thanks dear." She began walking downstairs, you right behind. The children instantly swarmed her, yelling about how happy the are that she's back. Eventually the crowd settled down and you both went to the kitchen. But before you could continue cooking you heard a knock at the door. "That's either wights, or ymbrynes that heard about the resent misfortune here. But despite our time control, we have very little to spend away from our wards. So I doubt it's the latter."

She went into the hall and grabbed three loaded crossbow that still sat by the door. Then swung it opened and aimed it at whoever stood there. Upon seeing the pure white eyes of the man who stood on the other side she didn't hesitate to shoot. You handed her another arrow, looking down at the body of one of the brothers, Myron.

"Alma! I never thought I'd see the day you dare to shoot one us us! Your own flesh and blood!" Caul spoke dramatically from the other side of the porch. She aimed her now once again loaded crossbow at him. "You wouldn't shoot your last living brother now, would you?"

"We are no longer siblings. You always did underestimate me, didn't you?" She said before shooting him in his chest.

He looked down with a grin. "Damn." He said, before crumbling to the floor.

You handed her another arrow, looking from the two dead bodies to her. "Those brothers, were your brothers?!"

"Irrelevant." She said calmly, lifting her crossbow at where Barron had stepped out of the tree line.

"My, my, no remorse? Not even for your own relatives? Then again, you didn't even cry when your own parents died did you." Miss Peregrine tensed and began to focus solely on her aim. "You do realize that you have no chance of having good enough aim to hit me all that way from over-" His yells we're cut off with an arrow embedding itself in his forehead.

She glared as his body fell before turning back to enter the house. She put the crossbow in its rightful place rather than by the door and sent Enoch to deal with the dead bodies outside.

"Miss Peregrine, what were they taking about, your family?"

"My brothers were never any good, especially Caul. Myron sided with whichever sibling suited his best interests. As for the comment about my parents, they never were the best. They resented my brothers and I. Abandoned us and tied rocks to themselves before walking out into the ocean because of their peculiar daughter. I've long since gotten over it, so don't try to give me any condolences." She brushed you off, walking into the kitchen to finally begin lunch. You sighed but just followed her in to help, dropping the family subject.


Sorry for the short chapter, it'll get happier from here

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