Chapter 10-Pain

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After Mr Barron and the two brothers left with you Miss Peregrine was quick to untie her legs and remove her gag. She wanted nothing more than to go after you. But her children would always be first priority and if there was any chance they were in danger she had to get back to them.

She ran, barefoot back to the house, not caring when sharp rocks poked her feet, a few piercing the skin. She reached the house and ran inside, grabbing her crossbow before following the screams of her children, loading it as she ran upstairs.

She found herself in Emma and Olive's shared room. Most were huddled in the corner with Enoch standing in front of them. Emma laid in bed motionless as though she were asleep and no one around her was screaming. Olive was huddled in her bed, pressing her back against the wall, trying to get away from the middle of the room. Where a woman stood over Fiona's body, kicking her.

Alma was crying, just as most everyone at that point. "Get away from her!" She screamed at the woman, who looked up at her and gave her a sadistic grin. The woman kicked Fiona again and Miss Peregrine shot the crossbow. The arrow his the woman right in the neck and she fell over, dead.

She rushed over to each of her children, looking them over. Hugh had gotten a black eye after trying to stand up for Fiona. The woman had unsuccessfully tried to kill Olive and ended up giving the girl a broken arm. Fiona was badly injured and in a coma which hopefully wouldn't last long. And Emma...

Emma was dead.

Miss Peregrine took care of her three injured wards. Bandaging Fiona and bringing her to her own bed. Putting a cast on Olives arm. And giving Hugh an ice pack. She left Emma as is, not able to deal with that as of right now.

She retreated back to her soundproof room, crying much harder than before. She sunk to the floor, holding her legs tight to her chest. And she screamed. Not words, she just screamed as loud as she could. You were taken away from her. One of her wards was dead. Another in a coma and has a chance of dying. Two more were injured. All because she was an incompetent caretaker. She couldn't help but feel like this was all her fault.


Short sad chapter of what happened after Y/n got taken. I'm crying so I guess it worked

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