Chapter 15-A New Normal

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You and Alma lasted no more than a month in a secret relationship. But of course Olive, who you reluctantly told after she wouldn't stop bothering you, let the word slip. Each of the children were overjoyed. Jake had come by once in a while but spent most of that time just talking to Emma. The children elected you their second caretaker, which proved to be a pain sometimes.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Bronwyn and Claire came running into the kitchen where you were making tea.

"Settle down you two. What's going on?"

"Hugh fell out of a tree and knocked Horace, who was standing under it, into the pond that was right next to the tree." Bronwyn said. "Horace proceeded to try and kill Hugh but it didn't work. Now Millard is holding him back and everyone's unhappy."

"I'll be right there." You said then muttered to yourself. "Where on earth is Alma when you need her?" But of course you knew very well she'd gone to town earlier that day and hadn't gotten home yet.

You went outside and found Horace had escaped Millard's grasp and was now sitting on top of Hugh's back as he struggled to get away. Damn, fancy boy can fight. "Horace, please got off Hugh, I'm sure he didn't mean to push you into the pond." He glared at you but did as you said, standing and brushing himself off. "Why don't you go change?" He said nothing but walked by you to get to his room. "Hugh." You said before the other boy could run off. "No more climbing trees. You'll only hurt yourself and others. Got it?"

He sighed. "Yes, Miss." You gave him a confused look as he ran off. None of the children had called you that before.


You got to dinner a bit late and sat down in your usual seat next to Alma. Olive cleared her throat to get your attention. "I'm afraid I have some bad news, Y/n..."

You looked around the table only now noticing the absence. "Where are my chicken nuggets? I made ten boxes! Where the the blasted chicken nuggets?!"

"Calm down. I new something like this would happen. There's another box already made for you in the kitchen." Miss Peregrine said. Of course she knew, when does she not know?

Besides the chicken nugget mishap dinner went well. Until the phone rang. "That must be Abe. This won't last long children."

"Neither will you tonight..." You whispered under your breath. Only two people heard you, Olive you sat right next to you and spit out her water, and Alma who had sharp bird like hearing.

"What was that, Y/n?" She said as she stood from the table.


"Really? I wanted to know what you meant by that."

"It was nothing, really." She gave you a knowing look but nodded and left the room.

Olive punched your shoulder. "What was that?!"

"What? Just telling the truth!"

"I do not want to hear about my headmistresses love life!"

"Uh, yes you do! You certainly wanted me to update you on our relationship status before we were together."

"Yeah but now you are, and I didn't need to know that!"

"Alright Y/n, stop tormenting Olive." Alma walked back into the room. "Everyone who's finished eating may put your dishes in the sink and dismiss yourselves." She said with a wave of her hand. Olive immediately got up and rushed out of the room. After all the children left Alma walked over to stand behind your chair and leaned down to whisper it your ear. "That wasn't very smart of you, love."

Needless to say it was an eventful night.


And I've finished another book.

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