Chapter 14-Feelings Returned

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Miss Avocet and Miss Cuckoo couldn't stay very long as they had other things to attend to. They bid everyone goodbye and after they left Miss Peregrine pulled you aside to talk. "I'll be blunt, I believe I've-"

"Miss Peregrine!" Olive yelled out. "Millard fell down the stairs and now we can't find him." She sighed.

"Later." She said before leaving. You were confused but chose to ignore it and went outside.

There you decided to have a tea party with Claire. "And this is Mr Flamingo! He's a super secret spy! And this one here is Nichole! But you can call her Miss Johnson." Claire said as she proudly introduced her dolls. She then leaned closer to you and whispered. "She's in love with Mr Flamingo."

"Oh is she now? Has she told him?"

"She's too scared."

"But how ever will she know if he feels the same if she never tells him?"

"But what if he doesn't?"

"Well they can always still be good friends. It doesn't always work out. But a lot of times it does." You said, glancing up at Miss Peregrine who stood across the yard smoking her pipe, just enjoying the sun that shone down on her with a smile. You grinned at that but your heart still aches a bit at the thought of her not returning your feelings.

"Oh. Okay!" She grabbed a tea cup and an empty kettle filled with imaginary tea. "How do you take your tea?"

"Two sugars please."

"Okay." She said, pouring in and then adding two imaginary cubes of sugar before handing it to you. "Is it good?" She asked after you pretended to sip it.

"The best! It's excellent Claire."

She giggled and poured cups for herself and her dolls as well. There was a brief moment of silence as you both grinned, drinking your fake tea. Alma was now looking over at the two of you smiling. You noticed her gaze and waved her over. "Wanna have tea with us?" You said whe she got close enough.

"Well I suppose I have a few free minutes." She said before sitting down on her legs next to you. Claire poured her a cup as well, you took note that she added no sugar. She then held it up the the headmistress. "Oh, thank you, dear." She took a fake sip. "Wonderful, just how I like it."

The three of you had some very intelligent conversations, considering one of you was a child, before Miss Peregrine had to rush off to tend to a chore. "Miss Peregrine! Miss-" Olive cut herself off to look around. "Where is Miss P?"

"Handling the hollowghast. Is something the matter?"

"Jake's come to visit. He's asking for Emma..."

"I'll be right there." You stood up as Olive ran off again. "I'm sorry Claire but I need to go now." She nodded and you walked off. You went through the kitchen door and when you got into the hall you heard Enoch yelling at Jake.

"Why don't you go back to your own house, and stop bothering us?"

"Now Enoch, be polite."

"Y/n!" Jake said, smiling. "Finally someone reasonable. I can only stay for a few hours and I want to see Emma."

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait for Miss Peregrine to arrive." You said calmly but invited him inside and closed to door. Eventually the woman you were both waiting for came through the back door and put her crossbow back. After walking back into the hallway she noticed Jake.

"Oh Jacob, you're back. How unexpected."

"Right, yes. Can I see Emma?" He asked, unwilling to drop the subject.

She took a deep breath but nodded. "Come with me, I'll explain." She said before walking up the staircase. You read in the parlor while waiting for them to come back downstairs. Only around ten minutes later they did. Jake left the house and you assumed he wasn't coming back. Miss Peregrine came down afterwards and went to sit beside you, leaning her head against her shoulder. "That was difficult."

"I'm guessing he didn't take it well?"

"Not in the slightest." She sighed as you set your book aside. "I had something to tell you earlier." You nodded, remembering when you'd been interrupted. She sat up to look at you. "Do you remember the night you told me you had feelings for me and I said I didn't feel the same." You didn't move for a moment but then nodded. "I hadn't realized at the time how big of a lie that was.."

"You're not saying..." You looked over at her with wide eyes.

She took your hand in yours and gave you a small smile. "I have feelings for you too, Y/n." You pulled her closer to hug her, though apparently she had other ideas because you soon felt lips pressed against your own. When she pulled away again a grin pulled at your face.

"You will never know how happy I am right now."

"I think I have an idea." She said, grinning back.



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