Explanation of story & Bio of characters (EDITED)

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Hello lovely viewers, tis I Drago coming at you with a new story.

Now I may still be a noob at writing but that doesn't mean I won't make a good story.

This story will begin after the civil war with sakura empire and eagle union so this story will have both sakura and eagle union ships working together

Also this story will not follow the anime or game lore it's just what comes out of my imagination

I've talked too much more notes at the end anyway let the explanation begin

In this world humanity has been able to conquer the stars in that they colonized planets a lot of them and each major super power carved their own territory with earth and close solar systems under the command of the United Nations Space force (UNSF) for short

In this world humanity has been able to conquer the stars in that they colonized planets a lot of them and each major super power carved their own territory with earth and close solar systems under the command of the United Nations Space force (UN...

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Each country developed their own weapons trying to outcompete each other, as the arms race fell between sakura empire and eagle union (EU)

Sakura empire in terms of radar is 2nd to EU which had the best radar and tracking in the galaxy.

Though one place sakura empire was best at was there artillery, which they had some of the largest and most powerful guns that packed a big punch.

In terms of aircraft EU still had the win with their infamous sf-22 and sf-44 (NGAD) while sakura empire had jsf-23 and jsf-32 all which excell in their own objective but for EU theirs are more superior

But then something mysterious happened, major cities across sakura empire and EU were destroyed by an unknown force both blamed each other and when more planets were bombed a civil war broke out that saw the highest number deaths than that in any other war.

While they were fighting each other they didn't know the danger that was coming, that were sirens.

Like a silent killer in the night they invaded and killed without mercy many planets fell, many more were obliterated from existence. Even the joint fleet of all nations couldn't stop them and with their defeat the sirens had complete dominance, and their next stop was Earth.

A scene from the battle of earth

"This phoenix we've been hit, were going critical all ships move from the blast area" a huge blue explosion could be seen as yet another battleship was laid to waste.

Over the Earth thousands of wrecks all from humans lay there, their cores all shut down and the sirens had completely gone past earth's defenses and are now laying waste to the planets surface.

The cries of help could be heard throughout the land with fires spreading over everything, it seemed that the end was there, that humanity would die from the sirens. That was the case until something appeared in the black sky, it was a whirlpool in the air that sucked anything and everything around it until it exploded revealing something or someone in the middle of it. It was the world's first kansen, a space ship girl that protected humanity and gave them hope for survival

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