Chapter 12 part 1: The Fight for Humanity

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The wait is over you weebs, get your popcorn, and get your drinks for one final ride as we delve into the true season finale. {part 1.}

Do note that there are some major character deaths cause space is hard and I'm the author I am not pulling any punches in this fight cause the stuff that goes down is worth the sacrifice. [Tease of part 2]

Also, I'd like to say thank you to you the reader for sticking around so far into the story.

Now enough of me, let the story start.

Location: Earth in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Currently, the Admiral was aboard one of the military stations put in Leo and now he was being debriefed on a situation that occurred some hours ago in the Azur Lane system.

"At 5 pm standard time, there was a gravitational anomaly above the third planet in the Azur Lane system. Out of the anomaly came out a fleet of 4 ships with 1 being identified as the Argo, soon after a critical event happened to the Argo, causing it to lose power and make an emergency landing on the waters near the city which ended with it impacting the beach before coming to a halt. After that people from the Coast Guard and Azur Lane base were on the scene and the following pictures were taken"

A tablet slid across the table before a hologram displayed the multiple pictures taken.

"From it, Admiral, we can see the Argo which seemed to have taken a beating from a battle and in the next is Captain Haruka who has been hospitalised and is said to be out for a few days but that's not what interests me, what do are of these 3 ships"

The slideshow of pictures stopped as only 6 pictures remained.

"The identical ones are cruisers who are the light cruisers Kitakami and Oicchi in that order, their looks and ships from what they were before and now are completely different but the most interesting is the other battleship of the fleet. She identifies as Ginga, sister to Haruka but the only problem is she has Sakuran traits with the most being the nine tails behind her. Shinano is the only known kansen to have 9 tails, which might mean that Haruka has something she's hiding under her sleeve but that's not my job to question others. Have a good day Admiral"

The messenger gives a salute before turning and walking out through the door he came through a few minutes ago.

The admiral being talked to is the same one we've been following all these chapters, and as he received the debrief on Haruka's situation (if that was even her real name), he couldn't help but feel like he had more pressing matters to attend to. His eyes lingered on the pictures of the three new ships and their unique features, but he quickly got up from his comfy seat and made his way to the meeting/war room. As he walked in, he was greeted by a group of kansens from each faction tasked with defending the Earth.

He could feel all the serious stares in the room as he made his way to his seat. Once he sat down, he briefly looked at each kansen present before clearing his throat and speaking up.

"Sorry for the delay I was being debriefed on an important situation, now may I ask how the preparation for the war is going?"

The question asked was general and the elected fleet flagship of the whole defence force for the kansens, Enterprise, spoke up.

"For us kansens, we finished most preparations now we're only waiting for the sirens to appear. But there's been a complaint raised by a lot of kansens"

The admiral nodded his head gesturing for her to continue.

"Why do we have to work together with the human combat ships, in the views of most kansens, human combat ships are weak and don't pack enough punch to hold themselves against the sirens thus if a war were to break out, they might act more of a hindrance to us kansens."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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