Chapter 11: The Return

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The big Finale is here and finally, my week looks to be opening up after so long the shackles of work are finally being undone and soon I will fly again to wreak havoc on monsters again.

Trying a new style of being more descriptive in my writing so rate it at the end.

Anyway enough of me, let the chapter start-more notes at the end.

Extra part at the end.

Infinite power, the most sought-after thing in the multiverse, with it one can rule the galaxy heck, the whole universe yet is that the case?

She had a core spewing out infinite energy yet she couldn't protect her planet when it was most needed, she couldn't protect those she cherished at heart, she was weak but she still fought on not just for her home but for all of humanity.

But all of this would mean nothing in the face of the enemy. To the enemy, she was nothing but a small fry and she hated it, she hated it when they attacked humanity, she hated it when they hurt her friends and she hated those who attacked her sisters.

Losing her and humanity left a deep void within her that could only be filled with the one emotion flowing through her system, nothing but pure anger.

Now Yamato felt something in her core switch. Time seemed to crawl as we look at the core of the Space Battleship, it glowed a blinding white and blue colour yet from its centre a streak of black emanated from it before it suddenly engulfed the core in a black energy that glowed red and this dark energy was pouring out seemingly infinitely.

The energy worked its way around Yamato's body and soon it had circulated fully around her with her eyes burning with a black colour its centre a blood-red slit shape that stared at the sight before her in a devoid look. Still, her inner emotions were burning in anger.

As time slowly ticked by, the energy inside her gathered and pooled around her pathways until it reached a critical level.

Time moved faster and the sword was inching closer towards Ginga, at that moment black energy covered Yamato's skin as the Queen and the soldier holding Yamato down sensed this new potent energy but it was too late.

This energy expanded violently outwards at a speed close to the speed of light as possible and this energy slammed first into the soldier and pushed her back. The same reaction happened to the queen but for Ginga, the energy seemed to miss her by centimetres only clipping some strands of hair and cutting them.

Time flowed back normally and the aftermath of the energy release was on full display, the chamber they were in and the building itself were gone, and the same for every building 1km from where they were standing.

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