Chapter 5: Yamato's influence

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I'm late I know but somehow I had forgotten to pay the internet and it just so happens that I spent most of my money on online shopping, this meant that I had to wait till my next pay to get my Wi-Fi back so here we are.

Hello viewers, to kick of the year I decided to do a space battleship Yamato chapter.

And speaking of Yamato, I'm proud to announce that my project is done. Finally!

Hehe, and it only took close to a month and a destroyed laptop later until I got that pic at the top and others which I will show at the end.

Now one thing I noticed when reading through past chapters is that one, my editor is slacking off and needs to do her work but more importantly is that I haven't fleshed out the world's lore and history so remember when Yamato got that information from Lisa in part 2, so I will change the story a bit from when Yamato left the meeting in the last chapter is where I will change.

Yamato slowly walked along one of the many hallways that made up this station if it wasn't for analyzer and the signs she would have been lost many times. She wore her normal captains attire, which was sometimes an eye catcher but other times made her look mysterious as her captain hat mostly shadowed her eyes.

The hallway she was on led to a glass viewport of the repair bay where she could watch her ship be gutted up and put back together. Ever since she came to this universe, her ship had been in major battles that teared its hull but her ship was resilient and always got her crew to a safe place.

Yamato saw some warning lights come online as the dock bay doors opened to reveal another ship that slowly moved into the repair bay next to hers, but she was surprised by the class of the ship and its length.

It was a carrier that was bigger than her ship by a big margin possibly more than 200 meters.

It was a carrier that was bigger than her ship by a big margin possibly more than 200 meters

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Its hull was riddled with holes big and small and on its deck were the remains of fighters that were badly damaged, which reminded her to check the factory, and on the hull she could make out the faint outline of its ship number.

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