Chapter 7:A wolf in sheep's clothing

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Things have taken a turn for the worst,

Yes I've finally posted a chapter lets go. Action in this will be good, they'll be talks surprises and other things.

Yamato POV

Having a gun pointed at someone while they're explain would make people panic just from the sight of it alone however she was one of the Yamato classes thus kept her cool throughout the explanation leaving most there confused.

"Wait" Vash who was the one asking questions said confused, "You said that previously this system had only disappeared for close to four to six months. However, people here can tell you that the wars been going on for 4 long years."

Now it was Yamato's turn to be confused even though she had a hunch of a time difference from the start. Now the evidence was laid out fully for her to see and say "black holes"

Some few questions later and Vash had called a squad meeting, in which some of the members were glancing in her direction others pointing at the mech which basically gave away what they were saying, however a loud ring tone cut through the air which came from Vash's phone.

A few seconds later that phone was in his hands as a tiny voice on the other side said something in a very fast manner. As soon as it started the person on the other side hung up and Vash's face was nothing but serous.

"Team suit up pronto, we got a DD group hammering a nearby team and they need extraction immediately! You, fox woman stay put right there and don't even try to get out of those cuffs, their made from reinforced carbon fibre 1000X stronger than steel!"

Yamato only stared at him with a dumb struck look but Vash was gone before she could comment and a few moments later the sound of their tuned up APC rang throughout the compound and then they were gone. Yamato listened for some seconds with her fox ears before she pulled at her hands breaking the cuffs in two and basically proving Vash wrong.

Note that even though her strength is less than half due to her not having her rigging, she's still way stronger than your average human.

Yamato rubbed her wrists while looking around the room noticing bullets laid everywhere, gun parts and clothes for some weird reason. Yamato looked around once more before noticing her two mechs placed under shed, one was sort of torn apart while the other was untouched.

 Yamato looked around once more before noticing her two mechs placed under shed, one was sort of torn apart while the other was untouched

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Yamato inspected the untouched one for a while before her eyes caught a glimpse of something in the distance. She turned her head and focused her sharp eyes on the thing she saw. It was blurry but she could see orange colours as well as black in the distant horizon.

It wasn't a sunrise because she could see flashes of bright yellow which meant that something was exploding. She would've ignored it for something else if the mechs radio didn't crack up.

"This is horizon unit to any resistance team out there.... We're pinned out here most of us are critically injured requesting extraction. Coordinates 0450 560 west, please send help!"

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