Chapter 10: Seconds To Doomsday

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Chapter 10, wow. It's been some few months ago when this story was just at chapter 1 with less than 50 views now I have more than 4k views how time flies.

Shout outs: @BritaniaBritishNeko and @The_Unamed_Commissar, they sort of guessed the correct answer at the end of the last chapter which was -Sakura Empire

This chapter will be dedicated to @Evelyn Elliotte

For some reason the dedication button doesn't want to work.

Also sorry for the delay I've recently hit a writer's block where, even though I already had the chapter outlined but my mind absolutely didn't want to put it into words so yeah, again sorry for the delay.

But for that I cranked up the music and this is a very, very long chapter. Get your snacks as we dive into the universe of Azur Lane. plus if you see any grammar please let me know, so that I fix it but note that you comment will be deleted cause its wattpad.

Also this chapter contains mild swearing and depictions of violence so be advised.

United Nations Space force [Earth]

It had been one week, one week ever since that prophecy was told and in that span of time, the leaders of every nation were brought to speed with this revelation and an emergency session was put in order in the United Nations Space Force.

In the session we see all the world leaders and their delegates sitting at their respective areas as they looked at each other with grim faces.

The contents of the prophecy were already spread to the leaders but not to the public as they don't want an early riot before the leaders can decide on the defence plan.

Currently the leaders were waiting for a certain individual to arrive before the actual session could be started so that plans can be formulated and that individual had just arrived with the doors opening before he and Enterprise herself entered.

Yes, the person who entered was the admiral himself and by his side was Enterprise herself which surprised everyone in the court as they did not expect this one ship girl to appear.

The court entered into a hushed murmur as this duo walked to the front before the speaker introduced them and begun the session as he gave the admiral the podium and Enterprise was standing of to the side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming so quickly to this emergency meeting" the admiral said as he eyed the people in front of him before clicking a button, making a large screen drop from the ceiling, "I'm sure all of you have already heard it but I'll replay it for all of you to know the situation"

Shinano was standing still at the centre of the cafeteria, multiple cameras and other things were recording this moment as it may as well decide the future.

" Listen well to what I will say" Shinano said as her eyes moved around the crowd, "For over 200 hundred years humanity has reached into the stars and spread its control over may star systems. Many advancements were made, however, even with all of this war never changes. Humanities root will be destroyed, a tree big and mighty will be burnt to a crisp as all around it its branches will fall one by one until nothing will be left. But in times of destruction a saviour will come who's not from this world.

She will bring forth power never before seen and lay her enemies to waste for she is the strongest battleship there is"

Once the video finished the screen went black as it receded back into the ceiling leaving everyone in silence.

"As all of you have just heard, the Earth and humanity as a whole is facing a battle in the near future. These words were said by the dream walker Shinano who has never been wrong whenever she has given a prophecy, so we should all take this very seriously." the admiral paused as his eye's looked down before looking back up and facing the leaders.

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