Chapter 3 part 2: Calm before the storm

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Author here and welcome to part two of chapter 3. Comments, votes are appreciated.

Also I'm having a problem here that is, I'm adding another character, now I'm wondering if the character should be an MC or a background character or one of those introduce and throw away characters so please comment at the end.

Also I may or may not had added more plot to the story as the word counter is broken so as a warning this chapter is very long. Bring your popcorn, juice or whatever cause this a long one. Enjoy ;)


Time skip

What you thought I would miraculously give her new powers or a ship girl come and rescue her, no, she's underwater and that's that.

After that intense battle, all the siren ships across the planet had stopped their attacks as they hovered in the air until they retreated back through the cosmic portals.

This had a mix reaction from the humans, some were confused as to why they'd stop the invasion when they were so close, others were happy it ended, others were sad as they had lost their loved ones and in the military all personnel were visibly shocked and confused as to why they stopped the invasion.

One high ranking commander looked at a cadet who was still shocked from the event and told him," Private, I want you to go to intelligence and tell them that I want get to the bottom of this invasion"

The cadet did as he was told.

In space, the SOS that was sent was quickly heard and a hastily assembled group of kansens arrived only to find the invasion had stopped.

The one thing of many that the sirens targeted were the communications thus it basically left the entire planet with no means of contacting others, but it was slowly being rebuilt and social media sites were the first to come online especially instaspace and cosmic twitter or twimic as the common word people use.

Thousands of stories were posted here but the one that was being reposted hundreds of times was from the capital.

Videos came in of a single ship giving the sirens hell as it sunk numerous siren ships. Of course as typical humans they thought it was fake, some kind of cg graphics, but there were those that believed them though they were few.

Some people had actually flown there to find some evidence on the ship but couldn't find any.

One such person was Carl, now he was in his 20's and had chocolate brown hair, eyes and was someone who was a geek in all thing ship and space. Tell him to explain the workings of a neutron reactor and he can explain it in 20 minutes which would normally take about 1 hours to explain.

And when he saw the Argo he was sceptical at first but after he poured over the numerous amount of videos he finally accepted that the Argo was powerful.

From the videos, he managed to understand that the ship used shock cannons that looked more powerful than Iowa's and from close inspection the triple gun mounts looked larger than Iowa's which was shocking.

And with the help of a software he tried to see if the space ship was similar to past ships and was surprised when a pick of the sakuran Yamato from 2024 popped up. This made him question the ship even more but he couldn't prove things without seeing it up close.

That's why he was at the beach, but his plan wasn't going well as time was running out. Carl looked at the sunset in the distance as he thought of whether he could come back but he knew the answer. Sneaking from home was the worst thing he could do but the reward was huge. Now he has to go back and face the wrath of his parents with no reward.

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