Chapter 4: A new home

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Happy holidays everyone and man is it chilly outside but inside its toasty due to the lava

Make sure to comment and vote on the story.

I shortened it this time so your welcome

--- resume play ----

Enemies to the front, back, upwards, downwards which basically means that they were surrounded on all sides with no way to escape.

"Analyzer report" Yamato asked once he came online.

"AA defence has been reduced by 40%, multiple hull breaches on the hull but the weapon system is still fully operational."

Yamato took in this information as she formulated a plan of action that might get them out of that sub-space or destroy them.

"Analyzer, bring the main engine up to combat speed 2, focus all weapons on the sirens close to us and don't engage the shields and weapons until I say so. We'll make a beeline for that structure and hopefully use it as cover"

Analyzer paused before answering "Roger"

Loud klaxons blared across the bridge as all bulkheads were sealed and the main engine roaring to life in a bright flame as the Yamato suddenly moved forward, increasing in speed as its weapons acquired targeting solutions.

The sirens, that were already waiting for it to move, opened fire as a multitude of pink positron beams and missiles streaked across the pale blue space aiming at the calculated point the Yamato will be at.

"Analyzer, predict the impact point and launch bubble shields"

Analysers computer core, worked double time as it plotted the course of the enemy weapons and launched four shields that were in a diamond formation so as to use as little ammo.

The missiles and beams harmlessly exploded against the wave motion shields and that allowed the Yamato to swiftly move past as it accelerated to maximum speed which is 30 space knots , 33 is for warp.

The sirens, seeing that the first salvo didn't work, continued to fire multiple salvo's at the approaching space battleship.

"Open fire!"

All guns except AA fired their blue positron rounds in the surrounding ships as the beams teared through the ships bringing down multiple ships in one shot as they continued to fire.

But it wasn't just the main guns that were racking up kills, the missiles from all port ,forward, aft, starboard, dorsal and ventral, blasted off and blew up any siren that were close to the ship.

This continued for a few more seconds until Yamato noticed something weird.

'why are there more ships the closer we get to the station'

"Focus the forward batteries to the front and blow a hole in those that block our path"

A loud whirr sounded before the frontal guns locked into position and fired as their beams blew up any ship in their path.

Yamato watched intently until analyzer discovered something

"High energy signatures detected in front of us"

"Engage shields now and focus them to the front" Yamato said as a blue cone surrounded the bow before a rec glow was seen in the wreckage of the ships in front.

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