Chapter 8: Stealing from my own empire

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Back again, yes.

This book is also entering its final chapters before the big finale and then a season break, somehow its getting my blood bumping at how the story will unfold.

Make sure to sure vote, comment and share the story if you want.

I also have a discord if you want to join, though, it was started the other day, link is here.

Now without further ado let the thieving start. Well pick up from where we left.

More blue bursts of light could be seen as more reinforcements entered the system and at the lead was our recon fleet.

We could see their thrusters burn at full capacity as they raced towards the planets within. Yamato couldn't be more happy after all that fighting and near death experience.

Her ship was lying in wait above the planet, currently we see Yamato trying to open a com channel to Shinano. Normally she would've just told analyser to do it for her, however, he was still getting repaired somewhere in the ship and his core processer has yet to start.

While waiting for the line to open, she felt her heart skip a beat before a spike of pain erupted from her chest area.

"Dammit, guess firing twice put too much strain on the core."

In the engine room, sparks were flying everywhere as the engine itself was beginning to overheat and the core beginning to go critical.

Back to the bridge, a series of beeps sound from the engineering console which showed the core increasing in percentage as it went above 180%. She didn't have long before the engine would force shutdown before it hit critical.

The comms suddenly crack up with some static before the signal becomes smooth as the display screen light up with the image of Shinano

"Haruka is that you?! Are you alright, did you get hurt?"

Yamato slightly chuckled at the questions before she interrupted her, "Shinano, I'm fine. My ship was slightly banged up but I managed to take out the enemy. On the planet, you'll find two kansens from Sakura empire, who were stranded, they helped me out and kept me safe so you have nothing to worry about irk?!"

Another spike of pain, this more painful, flared from her heart as her hand tightly grabbed her clothing at the front. The core was now at 210% and rising sharply.

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