Chapter 2: a new beginning and the end

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Hello viewers this is Drago with chapter 2 of this book.

Now high school is being a pain so my upload will be long in between but I have winter coming up, in which I'll be free to upload

There may be some few errors after I review it so yeah.

Anyway enough of me let the chapter begin.

Also I'll give a shout out to @BritaniaBritishNeko

Lucas system: third person POV

Space nothing but darkness that goes for infinity, cold dark and cruel. But in the shadows are twinkles of light, trillions and trillions more than one can count in their lifetime and it's those lights that sparked curiosity in man as it grew.

'what is out there?' one would ask not knowing that each of those stars have planets like earth and harbours life.

"But this system is dead" Yamato said as she was sat atop turret two.

She didn't need a space suit because she is the ship itself.

Her eyes roamed the darkness until it landed on the star of this system.

It was a red dwarf but it was big, about 3 times the size of our sun and it cast a red glow upon the space battleship as it hung there over the remains of a planet that was shattered by something.

They had done what they came here for, Yamato glanced at the report hologram and read out 20 tonnes were acquired essentially meaning she won't need supplies for a long time.

There was a recon plane somewhere out there with analyzer in it but she wasn't concerned about that. A feeling crept up her spine as her fingers twitched a bit.

She wanted to fight something, so far since entering the system there was nothing no life no other ship just rocks, a star and she was bored.

She wanted to fire her guns but there was nothing to fire at so it won't be worth it.

'if only something interesting could happen' she thought and as if kami was listening, a hollo screen appeared in front of her and it was analyzer.

"Yamato there some 4 ships that entered the system close to you" analyzer said in his usual voice.

"okay I'll keep hidden but I'll observe them for anything suspicious" she said as willed her auxiliary thrusters to come online "analyzer keep tabs on them but stay hidden"

With that the call ended as the Yamato slid behind an asteroid for cover before it could be found.

With the fleet flagship bridge

The bridge was silent as everyone was busy at their stations, the bridge wasn't cramped but it wasn't spacious but it was enough to get work done.

Currently the radar operator was busy trying not to fall asleep again, the lack of enemy's and other things meant he got bored quickly and he would've fallen asleep if he didn't her the familiar ping of his radar.

He quickly opened his eyes as on the screen he could make the outline of asteroids around the fleet but he could see something as a dot move behind an asteroid before vanishing.

He checked again for the same ping but it was silent he could've sworn he saw something there but before he could tell his superior a loud noise erupted from his radar as on the screen he could see multiple small but fast things closing in on the fleet.

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