Chapter 2

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??? POV
I gasped and went for water. Dance practice sure is tiring. Being an idol is hard especially when you're in the biggest K-pop group, and being the CEO of Gucci at the same time is even harder. I looked a look at my phone, and oh god.

How are there so many messages from everyone?

My phone started ringing, so I took the call.
Bold Italic-Dad



Have you finished practice?

Yeah, just now, why?

I want you to meet someone important.


The young CEO of Chanel, my friend's daughter.


Me and my friend have been discussing for a while about a collaboration. It will be good for both our Companies.

Dad, I'm so busy. Can't you just ask Jisoo? Dior is also a good company.

Son, I have no more power over Jisoo's company. Me and your mother made it clear before we divorced. I will take you and Gucci, and your mother will take Jisoo and Dior.

Fine fine fine. I'll go. But isn't the CEO of Chanel Namjoon and Jin's sister? And aren't she and Jisoo close?

Yes, Namjoon and Jin are the sons of the chairman of Chanel. Anyways, I'm off to Hawaii. Talk later!

Wait what? You're leaving for Hawaii? Why?

For vacation, now bye.

Vacation? I'm working my butt off here and you're going for vacation? Come back, Dad!

Well, he hung up. Ugh.

I went over to Namjoon and Jin hyung.



"Is the CEO of Chanel your sister?"

They looked at each other.

"Why, yes, Jennie is our little sister."

So her name is Jennie. Cute name.

"Dad says I have to meet her to discuss a collaboration."

They flinched.

"Umm..........are you sure you can take it?"

"Why? Does Jennie bite?"

"No, but, errrrr............"

Now they're acting weird.


Jin looked at his phone, gasped and started to rap.

"Let'sjustsaygoodluckIhaveadinnerdatewith JisooandI'msortoflateandmyphonehasrunout ofbatteryCallyour sisterandtellherthatI'mon mywaypleaseShe'sgoingtokillmeifI'mlate withouttellingherThanksBye!"

Then he rushed off.

I looked to Namjoon.

"What did he say?"

"I think you understand. Anyways, Jennie is sort of......a snowflake, cold on the outside, but if you warm her with love she'll melt sweetly for you and turn as soft as water."


"Good luck bro. I'm having a date with Jihyo in 5 minutes."

"How are you so calm?"

"Because I told her to meet here, not like what Jin did. He probably told her to go somewhere far away."

I shook my head.

"Anyways bye, good luck with Jennie!"

"Bye hyung."

We parted ways and I sighed. Jennie seems mysterious. Guess I'll have to meet her. Hope this ends fast.

Good luck, Kim Taehyung.

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