Chapter 20

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Taehyung POV

I reached for my phone that was ringing, checked the contact and let out a huge smile before answering.

"Hiiiiii Taehyung!!!!!"

"Hi Jennie......."

"I miss you already."

My smile grew wider. Jennie......why are you so cute?

"Hmm let me's 9:00 am and we parted ways at 12:00 am last's only been 9 hours and you're already missing me?"

I heard her laugh through the phone. "Why not? Every second without you by my side is too long."

"Since when were you so romantic?"

"Since I've been with you, dummy."

I felt a blush creep along my cheeks, and I smiled, "I miss you too."

"I know.........anyways, we have to talk about serious stuff now. Now that our companies are getting better, we should talk about the date we officially release our collaboration products. What do you think?"

"I think it should be within this week. The controversy of our collaboration hasn't gone away completely yet, and many people still talk and remember this issue. It will be good promotion for our products as more people will talk about it."

"I agree! I think we should release it as soon as possible. Based off what I read online, even though most people were boycotting our companies, there were still people that left comments of appreciation, saying how good our collaboration products looked and how much they wanted to buy them. I'm confident that many people will buy our products!"

"That's great to hear. How about we release a statement later today to announce the release date? Then we can officially release it on Saturday before the week ends."

"Great idea! We can create a bit more suspense by adding some photos of our collection to the statement. I'll contact my team so they can start writing the statement. After we're done, your team can add the photos and we can release the statement at 7:00 pm KST this evening."

"I guess that's settled! For our official release date, we can have a press conference so we can tell  the press about our collection."

"Yeah, about that........Taehyung, I have a suggestion."

"What is it? Your suggestions are always good!"

"I was thinking......I want the public to know about our relationship, so I think we can announce it at the press conference."

I was in shock for a moment. Jennie wanted to tell the press about our relationship so quickly?

As if sensing my shock, Jennie quickly added, "It's alright if you don't want to make this public so quickly! I know we just got together yesterday.........There's always another time!"

"No! It's ok! I'm fine with everything. It's just that I haven't told the rest of my family and friends, so I have to do that before Friday. If I don't, I can't imagine the thousands of calls I will be receiving that day!"

"Of course! That reminds me, I haven't told my dad and my friends too. So I guess we can inform our loved ones before the official announcement to the public. I'm already really excited for Friday! One more thing, since we'll be announcing our relationship, why don't we attend the press conference in matching couple outfits? It'll be great for pictures."

I laughed. "Sure! I love this idea. What do you want to wear?"

"I was thinking of a classic black dress. It's classy and in my favorite colour. You?"

"I'll go with anything you like. Black it is!"

"Oh Tae.....I love you so much!"

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

We just remained silent, smiling on the phone with each other. 

Just then I heard violent knocking on my door.

"Hold on Jennie. Someone's at my door. I have to answer it for a sec. I'll call you back later."

"I have someone at my door too. Bye for now!"


After hanging up, I walked over to the door, opened it, and was immediately blasted by a angry mob. 


I looked up to see my fellow members all up in my face, with Namjoon and Jin having murderous looks on their faces.

"Umm, hyungs....and JK....."

"KIM TAEHYUNG HOW DARE YOU DATE OUR SISTER?...." Jin screamed like a angry llama.

"WITHOUT TELLING US?" Namjoon added.

I looked at Jimin for help, but his expression was undreadable.

"I haven't forgot what you did to Rosé and her company, Kim Taehyung."

Oh goodness. I totally forgot how Jimin is a sucker for Chaeyoung. 

Jungkook patted my shoulder. "You've gotta a lot of explaining to do, hyung."

Oof. This is going to be a long day. I guess I won't be able to call Jennie back any time soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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