Chapter 7

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I don't know why, but every time I open the closet, make a call, or walk into a fancy restaurant, I think of Taehyung.

It seems like he's always on my mind.

I'm now sitting in the same restaurant as last time where me and Taehyung gone on that date—I mean the buisness meeting. I found myself reserving the exact same seat and ordering what he ordered last time.

Foil Gras.

Weird. Normally I don't like Foil Gras one bit, but I'm willing to try it now........

I was about to take a bite, when someone sat down across me.

"Hi unnie!"

I smiled at her sweet angelic voice.

"Hi Chaey!!"

She gave me a sweet smile.

She sat down and placed her order—Steak.

She looked at my dish, confused.

"Foil Gras, unnie? Really? You never eat it!"

"I don't know.....I've been wanting to eat it ever since the date with Taehyung."

"Well ok—wait a ding dang minute did you just say DATE????"


"No! I...I meant......."

"Yeeeeeeeee!!!! Unnie's in loveeeeeeeeee" She teased and laughed so hard.

"No! Shut up!" My cheeks flushed out of embarrassment.

"Naurrrr" She said in her Aussie accent.

I started to randomly stroll through some tweets and my eyes widened at one. I smirked. Ur gonna pay for teasing me, Rosie.

"Hey Chae"

"Yes?" She said, still laughing.

I showed her my phone. "How is your dating life with the famous Park Jimin?"

Her eyes grew wide and roses bloomed in her cheeks.

"How-Where did you get that?"

"It's all over the news lol. You and Park Jimin were spotted chatting together in the Tiffany and Co shop. So spill!!!!!"

"Unnie! I was just visiting the shops and found him picking out jewellery. I had to talk to him. I mean, it's not my fault he's so hot and cute and-"

She clamped her hand over her mouth as I laughed to death.

"You really don't try to hide how he is your ultimate bias, right?"

Her cheeks grew even redder and she pouted cutely.


I laughed for quite a while.

"Unnie.....I've been thinking about this, but Im not sure what to do..." She got serious and looked at me with a serious gaze.

I stopped laughing and looked at her. "Hmm?"

I was a bit worried. She normally isn't so serious and nervous.

"You know how much I like Jimin, and since  is releasing a new season of jewellery, I'll have to find a model. I always model for my brands myself, and I usually ask Chanyeol to help me model the men jewelleries, but he's awfully busy and tired now since he just got discharged from the military. I don't want to bother him, so I've been thinking......."

She cut off, and red roses bloomed in her cheeks again.

"Well? What's the plan?"

"I.....I've been wanting to ask Jimin to become the new model."

My eyes widened and I smirked.

"That's such a good idea! Jimin fits Tiffany so much. He's a good candidate! You should go meet him right away."

She looked flustered.

"I'm so worried! What if he says no! I don't think my brand's jewellery is good enough for him. I really shouldn't take the risk........Maybe I can still ask Chanyeol after he's gotten enough rest?"

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Chae? You literally spent hours designing the jewellery  based on Jimin and you. Besides, Chanyeol is so tired right now. I can't believe ur more worried about your crush over your own brother!"

Rosé pouted.

"Ok........I guess Ill try."

"That's the spirit!"

I smiled. Rosé is so nice to have a crush. I wonder how it feels like to have one......

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