Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

One month later

I'm sat on the judges panel, alongside Mel and Simon, Louis is beside Mel, and we're all facing the stage where Ben and Fleur are stood.

I can't help but smile as we wait for the result to be read, because no matter which one of them win, they will both get signed somewhere or other and they both deserve to do great in this industry.

Kimberley is in the audience, sat right behind me with Lily, so naturally, I can't help but keep turning around to look at her. She's caught me looking a few times and flashed her smile my way.

'The winner of the X factor 2014 is...' During the unnecessarily long pause, I steal another glance at her, but she is too engrossed in the dramatic pause to notice, her gaze fixed on the stage.


The whole arena erupts in cheers and I can't even hear what Mel whispers in my ear whilst Simon makes his way to the stage. I glance at Kimberley again and she is beaming at the stage, stood up and applauding Ben. After Ben has sang his winners song, Dermot introduces the Xtra factor before ending the show.

I go to walk over to Kimberley, but Simon gently moves his arm around my waist, earning a disappointed look from me. He looks at me sternly, but still unable to hide his knowing smirk as he shakes his head and walks us up to the back of the arena for an interview. I turn back, hoping to spot Kimberley, but I see Lily already walking her out. She waves at Mel, who waves back and turns to look at me with a smirk, knowing I am gunna be feeling envious.

'Just ten minutes, Babe' she winks as we continue to ascend the stairs, greeting fans as we walk up.

When we are finally in the room for Xtra factor and sat on the couch, I am immediately searching between the crowd behind the scenes. Though I know there is no way she can be there yet... not with her waddle.

We begin the interview, each contributing to the discussion and congratulations to Ben, until I vaguely hear Lily's giggle and I snap my neck around to look around the room again.

Kimberley is stood there, talking to lily about something and making her laugh. She glances in my direction and catches my eye. I smile, blushing a little due to the embarrassment of being caught staring, luckily my make-up is covering it. I don't even know why I still get embarrassed... it's not like we've only just started dating. We're married with our first child, very much, on the way. He should be arriving next month... I'm absolutely buzzing.

I snap out of my thoughts when I realise she is waving her hand, trying to bring me back to reality once she notices that I'm clearly not paying attention to the interview I am currently sat in the middle of.

Still not the slightest bit arsed about what's going on around me, or the number of people and cameras watching me, I flash her my dimpled smile and wave back, even though I know she was waving for a completely different reason.

'Cheryl?' Simons low voice finally brings me back to reality and I turn to him, like a deer caught in the headlights.

I hear Kimberley's low chuckle, making me turn back to her, she's rolling her eyes and Lily is smirking at me.

'Erm...' I stammer, turning back to Simon again, 'right... sorry everyone' I twist around on the couch so I am facing Sarah-Jane, 'What were you saying?'

'What should I repeat the whole interview?' she jokes, glancing towards the directors behind the scenes, as if for approval, 'can you not just watch it on catch up?'

'Have we finished?' I look around, horrified at how long I must have been staring at Kimberley... or to those watching at home, staring off into the distance.

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