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Well, this story is now officially finished, I want to thank you all again because I am feeling genuinely overwhelmed by how loyal you have been to reading this fanfic, voting and commenting 😊😘❤️
Sorry I took so long updating the epilogue, I didn't know where I wanted to go with. So I hope you enjoy the final chapter and that you have enjoyed the story ❤️xx


5 Years Later

'Mammy!' I hear the front door open and Jacobs little voice sounds through.

Pushing myself up from the couch, I hurry to the doorway, just in time for him to run into me. The front door slams shut, but I don't look down the hall, already knowing Kimberley is there, I look down at Jacob as he hugs my leg.

'Hey mister' I beam, hoisting him up into my arms, 'How was your first day at School?'

'I made a new friend!' he cheers, pulling away from my embrace to look at me with a little grin.

'You did?!'

'Don't question him without me, I had to bite my tongue in the car so he wasn't asked all the same questions twice.' Kimberley chuckles as she walks into the room.

I look at her now, a massive smile across my face as she moves over to me. Her arm goes loosely around my waist as she moves to my side, kissing my cheek before turning her attention to Jacob.

'So let's sit down and you can tell us all about your day in school and your new friend' She grins at him, tickling him a little, causing him to squirm.

He reaches his arms towards her and she takes him off me. He knows the procedure by know, so as I move to sit down, Kimberley holds her arm out, offering support, and Jacob extends his little arm, wanting to help in some way. To humour him, I hold his hand to make him think he is supporting me, but really all of my weight is on Kimba.

They sit beside me, Jacob perched on Kimberley's knee, wriggling excitedly.

'What's your teacher like?' comes the first question

'She's funny' he giggles, before his eyes widen with a look of shock, 'and really tall!' he gasps.

Really?!' I enthuse, knowing he will do something I love if I push him, 'How tall is she?'

As soon as I ask this, he stretches his arms into the air, as far as he can with his fingers straightened out and everything. I don't know why I love it so much, I just do. Kimberley glances at me with a smirk and a knowing look. She is normally the one to trigger him doing this, especially when I am upset or feeling down, by asking "How much do we love mammy?".

'And what about your new friend?' Kimberley asks.

'I have two!' he grins, his blue-grey eyes shining.

'Two aye?! You are the popular one' I chuckle as Kimberley tickles his sides, causing him to squeal, 'Is Harry friends with them too?'

He nods. Harry has been his friend since the start of nursery, after Kimberley and I stood with his parents on the first day, while waiting for the play workers to let us in.

'So, what are their names?'

'Martin and Lauren'

'What are they like?'

We continue to question him and he enthusiastically answers each one thrown at him. When we are finally out of questions, we sit watching telly for a bit, until Jacob shifts on Kimberley's lap to look at us both.

'Can I go and play with my toys?' she pleads.

'Of course you can.' I chuckle and he scrambles off Kimberley's knee and runs out of the room.

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