titles and grandma/older sister visit

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In the dark of night a jack o lantern is seen on a stone pedestal as the wind blows the trees. a close up is seen on the jack o lantern as the wind blows more making the leaves on the tree branches rustle. then the title "Halloweentown" is shown in bold letters in a orangish yellow color. soon a close up inside of the lit jack o lantern can be seen with a small flame inside to keep it lit. but the wind soon blows it out making everything go black.

children can be heard saying "trick or treat" soon kids dressed in Halloween costumes. walking down the street going house to house that are filled with decorations and candy. soon a close up of a certain house can be seen with no Halloween decoration's at all while kids can be seen walking past it. soon a close up of the big window on the house is seen as a little girl watches the other trick or treats enjoy the spooky night.

"hey, wait what about this house" a girl in a Halloween costume says stops while pointing to the house asking her friends."forget that house let's go to the next one"a boy says in a different Halloween costume says as the group moves on to the next house.

The little girl from before suddenly sits up straight whispering "somebody's coming"when a boy alittle older then as appears by the couch.while Sophie is still starring out the window"come on, sophie.you know nobody ever comes here on Halloween"he tells his little sister before walking away just as two people come down the stairs it was his mother and older sister Marnie.

"But.mum,it's just a costume party.you've gotta let me go."Marnie pleads to her mother really wanting to go with her friends.as she follows her mother to the kitchen we're her two friends our. But her mom still doesn't listen while picking there broom and pumpkin up"the whole world is going.if I don't go I'll be a freak"she continues to plead with her.but her mom only guides her friends out making Marnie gap while yelling "mum!"she follows them hurriedly not wanting to give up at all.

"You know,the odds were 50% I'd get at least one normal sister"Dylan comments which Marnie just pushes him over the arm of the couch causing him to help before ounce again to argue with her mother Gwen walking into the living room from the kitchen."mom,I'm 13,ok? I'm practically a grown up.im certainly old enough to make my own choices.right"Marnie continues to argue her case before asking her friends who's dressed as a witch and clown to back her up.

"Yeah,I guess so. Is there an age group for that"the one dressed as a witch says before whispering the last fort to the girl in the clown costume as Marnie just rolls her eyes while leaning her head back before looking be at her mother.

"Look, Marnie, I am sorry,but you are not going out on Halloween"her mother Gwen who still who isn't swaying from her decision while standing in front of the front door." Why."Marnie questions her mother not understanding the big deal why she couldn't go.

"I have my reasons,and I will explain them to you when you're...taller"her mother Gwen starts to reason with her daughter with the same thing she has said for years."mom, you've been saying that for, like,my whole life,ok?"Marnie argues back still not backing down.

"It's just one night,what is the big deal"she pleads to her mother ounce more before her two friends step in to try and help her case"it does seem a little unfair I mean,seeing as how Marnie likes wired stuff so much"her friend that is dressed as a witch starts off with to help Marnie before looking at there other friends who's dressed as a clown"yeah.halloween is like ,made for her"the other adds all while Marnie's mom still stands indifferent.

"Skeletons, witches, vampires.you know she spends her whole math class drawing ghost in her notebook"letting out some of Marnie's secrets while Marnie goes wide eye stopping them before they say anymore"guys" before turning back to her mother ounce again who just rolls her eyes.

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