Trying to go home

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W:this is a short chapter

They watch as aggie helps Marnie fly her new broom not noticing an angry mother coming there way.soon they start land in front of crystallina, Dylan and Sophie who were all smiling and happy."yay grandma me next"Sophie exclaimed with excitement."you next"aggie says with her just as with much excitement."I don't think so"Gwen voice is heard which causes everyone to turn around to see her standing there.marnie groans seeing there mother.while Sophie runs over to her"mummy"giving her a big hug.

Crystallina just stands back watches as her mother and sister argue ounce again before Marnie steps in but when Gwen still denied Marnie right as a witch she stepped in"you are unbelievable Gwen I know you didn't like it here and when you husband passed away that feeling got stronger but that doesn't give you a right to take the right of being a witch away I know you saw how Marnie felt when she never gets to celebrate her favorite holiday"crystallina argues back as she looked at her little sister in the eyes everyone who her own husband watch with anticipation to see what would happen will be either good or bad.

Gwen glared at her older sister "yeah well what do you know about raising children nothing cause you don't have any and if you did I will feel sorry for them to have a mother like you who is irresponsible and monster"Gwen hisses out at her older sister feeling smug for a second before it falls seeing the chest fallen look on her face as tears started to build up.

Crystallina Felt hurt by what her little sister said as she looks all around her with tears building up in her eyes before raising her head held high she wasn't going to let her little sister win by seeing her weak"mother will see you later" before walking past making she to shoulder her hard as she head home.

They all watch her disappear around the corner before turning back to green who looked guilt for what she said to her big sister when crystallina's husband walks up in front of her angry "you didn't have to go there Gwen all she ever do was be there for you,help you and she already felt like a monster with how her magic and powers are now you made her feel worse why can't you stop being stubborn for ounce in your life and just listen to them they have more experience, and wisdom about what is good and evil"he says angry with how she treats her sister before fallowing after her to there home.

Ounce they make it home crystallina let's it all out by falling to her knees letting out a gut retching sob as her husband drops to the floors with her pulling his wife in his wife into his arms as he rocks them back and forth as they set with each other's comfort.

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