Something serious

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Soon the center of Halloween Town is seen with many creatures walking amongst them doing their daily lives. The kids look around and amazement as the adults look at them with amused looks."is there going to be a Halloween party today, grandma? Everybody's all dressed up"Sophie ask with excitement as she holds on to her grandmother's arms as they walk along the sidewalk passing by many creatures."well, this is the way we always dress dear the people who started your Halloween just imitated our traditions."sort of explains to the youngest what everyone is stressed the way they are.

"She's right Sophia this is how he dressed every day it's sort of like a style I guess she could say like the saying goes mortals see mortals do as they do follow our traditions as your grandmother says."crystallina ads as she walks along with her husband arm and arm and hand with her cloak up keeping the shade over her eyes from the bright Sun.

Aggie explains to the kid how their mother met their father all those years ago while Crystal either looks around her home with a smile feeling the loving magic around this place. As they pass by many creatures and shops everyone greet someone with smiles and they greet them back with a wave and a hello. Dylan started humming as he looked around while Marnie noticed him smiling for the first time since being here"what are you so happy about? I thought you didn't want to come."she teases him slightly while they continue walking trying not to bump into anybody."I decided this really is a dream so why worry"Dylan says causing crystallina to silently laugh in her husband's shoulder knowing he is exactly like Gwen and his father it's going to take a lot to get him to believe.

"I like halloweentown. But why do you have to live so far away Grandma? Auntie crystal"Sophia ask her grandmother aunt licking up at them making crystallina, Aggie, and abraxas sharing a look before Aggie looks back down at her youngest granddaughter"well, there was a time when humans and monsters and witches and vampires and all the rest of us could be together. It was the dark times"Aggie explains to the children while crystallina remember somewhat of the dark times from her younger years she didn't like it but then it was too dark how the creatures were treated as slaves she hopes that I never goes back to that way again she wouldn't let it.

As Aggie continues to explain what the dark times were about as they were walking crystallina was deep in thought about the bad thing that was happening her home not knowing seem to where we looked that abraxas is giving her knowing how she is. They continue to walk old theater scene with them walking under it before noticing it was closed making the three adults share confused look knowing it was never closed before one of Aggies neighbors runs into her but she wasn't herself. What they saw was horrifying Harriet didn't look like her self at all. as the women's screeches before leaving. The three adults share a worries look knowing that's not normal at all cuz she's usually very happy before they walk for once again with more on their thoughts.

"The mayor... Oh children"Aggie says before leading all them over to where the mayor is but crystallina was hesitant at first she never got a good feeling around the mayor even when they were growing up. So she let her mother talk to the mayor herself. After a while with Aggie talking to the mirror they soon are seen walking again for I'm noticing that Marnie wasn't with them as they look around before seeing her by the brooms shop"oh, marnie! She's found the brooms.

They all rush to where she's at while she looks at the rooms in amazement when the group finally catches up to her"oh grandma auntie Christina look at these things."she says an amazement making the two women smile softly at her remembering their first time on the brooms."yes, they are a bit more snazzier than what I was a girl and your aunt as well."as the three girls walk forward to the brooms not noticing the store manager behind them watching them with a smile as well he was one of kind I guess you could say in crystallina's own words."can I get one please? Please. Grandma? Auntie please?"Marnie begs them really wanting a broom. The two older women share a look as if they're communicating deciding if they should get her room or not."yes well it is the right of passage for which is your age"Aggie says with a smile as two women watch Marnie as she excitedly picks a broom from the bin.

"It looks like you got your eye on her when sweeper 5000"the storekeeper makes himself known as he walks forward. As he talks with Marnie and Grandma a about the broom. A boy known as Luke decides to ruin the happy moment making crystalline a groan annoyed"how sweet, by little Marley here her first room. Huh?"a teenage boy with almost dirty red hair it seemed with a dark t-shirt with red checkered flannel sleeveless stands in front of them making crystallina glare at him with hate he always did this causing trouble no matter where he goes.

"It's Marnie"she corrects him with annoyance and her voice as she leans on her broom slightly.

"This is a local boy Luke"crystallina and Aggie explained to the kids on who he is while Luke leans against the bin behind him.

"Hey don't sell me two short there, Grammy, auntie Liz"he mocks them causing abraxas to grab his wife as she goes to lunch at him."of something of a big cheese around here. Maybe I could show you around sometime by you an ice cream. The abominable snowman has a little shot down the street."Luke says as if he's trying to flirt with Marnie as he brags about him being something called The Big cheese. Cristallina had to turn her head to keep herself from laughing at him call himself the big cheese. Marnie decides she's not going to take this attitude from him so she walks for with Cromwell confidence."you know I was kind of hungry, but then... I smelled something stinky. It must have been the big cheese"Marnie says the confidence as the two Cromwell women look at her with proud looks on there faces as well as the rest of the group.

After Luke I got it insulted and made an embarrassment himself he threatened them while leaving. Aggie decided to take Marnie on a flying lesson through the sky what the group didn't know was an angry woman heading towards their way boy were they in for it.

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