Helping Aggie

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While the kids went to grandma Aggies house first after getting a ride from Benny and meeting the mayor of Halloween Town.while this was going on crystallina's is soon shown at a too of a hill with a guard gate.on the out side it looked beautiful but it looked more beautiful on the inside. Crystallina is seen setting on the bea window in her and her husband's sleeping chambers deep in thought.

"What's the matter my love "the voice of her lover is heard breaking her from her thoughts.turning to see the man she fell in love with.

There stood her husband abraxas who she fell in love with a long time ago making her let out a small smile."just the visit I had with my little sister"she sadly before walking over to there bed sitting down.soon abraxas joins her on the bed putting his arm around her rubbing her shoulders and arms and gently and comfort knowing his wife is deeply upset."tell me what happened"he asked her gently wanting to know what he could do to make her have that beautiful smile that she always has on her face.

Crystallina signed before feeling with her hands"when we got there we just wanted to make the just happy you know. With candies costumes and decorations... But of course Gwen was trying to keep anything Halloween related out of their lives especially...."she starts to explain their visit before her voice starts cracking slightly making abraxas where he's pulling her into his arms seeing the tears starting to form in her eyes."we had all set down ate milk and cookies but it was like when was just trying to get rid of me and Mom but the kids couldn't really see that so they begged Gwen to let us tell him a bedtime story. Apparently Mom and Gwen had made a promise or not telling the kids about Halloween Town but you know my mother she felt it was right that the kids know who they really are. But of course that's where things went bad between us and Gwen..."she says with tears slightly running down her face remembering the argument they had before coming back home."when the mower arguing and apparently when wanted to get rid of anything that related to magic and halloween. Meaning me your mom. She was playing on letting the kids become humans as are each other 13th Halloween. But I got angry with one and asked her what she would do if I ever had kids would she just saw him out of her life? Keep him out of her kids life? She never did answer but the look in her eye told me everything. So I told her she didn't have to worry about me being around the kids anymore because I told her I was coming back I couldn't handle that hurt and heartbreaking anymore"crystallina says crying harshly before covering her face with her hands while her husband rocks him back and forth as they sit there and silence....

After a while there is a knocking her on their front door making them both pull away look at each other excuse crystallina stands up wiping her face free of tears"I wonder who that could be"she almost herself as she makes her way from their bed Chambers her dress swishes around her as she walks through multiple hallways and stairs before coming up to the front door pulling open and what stood there before her made her eyes go wild disbelief.

There stood her nieces and nephew with their grandmother who are all smiling at her before the kids rushed to give her a big hug"what are you guys doing here"she stutters slightly still in shock before the kids pull away to explain why they're here.

"I heard about what Mom and Grandma I were talking about something bad going on in Halloweentown and I want to help stop it plus start my training as a witch"Marnie the oldest tells her aunt with a soft smile making crystallina look at her in disbelief and look up to her mother with white eyes before her expressions softens. Then she pulls morning into a big hug before letting them all in she wanted to introduce them to somebody."now kids remember me tell you I have a husband "she starts off with closing the door before going to stand around in front of them with a smile before beckoning someone forward from behind her."well this is my husband abraxas known as The mummy"she tells them with a smile as they look at her husband with wide eyes remembering the Egyptian book she showed them. They started putting two and two together before greeting her husband.

Aggie watch with a soft smile before getting to why she's here"crystallina you know as well as I do this something is going on and how we tell something bad and we're going to need all the help we can get. But first why don't we show the kids around Halloween Town what say you"Aggie ask her all the starter with mischief in her eyes with a playful smile. Causing crystallina to do the same knowing the kids are going to love their hometown before they all grab their cloaks and walking out the house too stroll around town.

But what they didn't know back at home their mother decides to check on them and finds out that they snuck out instantly blaming her mother and sister before going to Halloweentown her self.

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