Halloweentowns destiny

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Soon a metal door is seen creaking open as Marty open with her Hood over her head she looks all around to see if the evil creature is near but wants the coast is clear they all walk in. The portal that the creature came in before the show with a storm brewing inside as wind blows around the room slightly they rush over to Aggie and Gwen hoping this tallest man will wake them up from being Frozen statues. They make sure they are still breathing before slightly waving the talisman in front of them but nothing happens what causes them to deflate wondering why it didn't work.

As they figure out what the talisman does Marnie is decent thoughts before remembering what grandma had told her about the Big pumpkin before she and crystallina share a look before they are seen rushing outside. Soon the Big pumpkin is staying with smoke around it as the kids and married couple are outside coming up with a plan"you can't be serious you're not actually thinking of going into that thing"Dylan asked his older sister.

"I have to it's the only way to save Mom and Grandma"she tells her little brother crystallina deeper thoughts before she is brought out of it by her husband abraxas he points at a growing crowd in the middle of halloweentown they walk over to see what is going on before a dark creature and black robes appears out of nowhere in a cyclone tornado of a storm as it starts to form right above the mayor's office.

"My fellow creatures your moments of destiny has arrived I offer you the chance to return to our days of Glory to end this egg cell from the mortal world, which the humans have stolen from us follow me fellow citizens of Halloween Town too long have we been exiled. To this second class world forced to live here in this Halloween Town back to our true natures, to celebrate the evil within us, to reveal ourselves as we really are"the dark creature shouts his speech as it echoes around Halloweentown as some of the fellow creatures agree before the mask is removed making everyone gasp in shock.........it was there mayor kalabar.

Soon was she thinks this marnie making her way to the pumpkin which made kalabar angry as he hits her with his freezing spell.

Crystallina watches wide eye as her niece hits the ground anger starts to swell inside her as she marches towards kalabar who notice her appearance"ah if isn't the oldest Cromwell sister crystallina have you come to join me"he says as he puts all of his attention on her neither noticing Marnie without her cloak climbing up the big pumpkin.

"No but your gonna for what you did to my family"she says with a glare that frightens anybody before some of her power as purple smoke starts to form around her hands if where she shoots it out at him and the form of lightning causing him to shout in pain as it makes contact.

Ounce the pain stops he is back on his feet before the two are in a battle of power and magic making everyone back away before he finally had enough before blasting her back into a stone column as she falls to the ground in pain. Abraxas rushes over to his wife"are you okay my love"he asked worried as he helped her up before hearing kalabar roaring with anger they soon seen why underneath the robe wasn't Marnie at all but Luke making them gasp in shock before he shouts again as Marnie is seen on top of the pumpkin "No!"before shooting the same spell at her before she can it's a talisman into the pumpkin abraxas had to hold crystallina back as she sobs seeing what has happened to her niece.

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