Halloweentown:a real place

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The three older women are on the kitchen crystallina was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed watching is Gwen and their mother argue once again."and after I specifically told you not to tell them anything about it."green tells there mother frustrated while holding a piece of chicken up in tongues while their mother was drying a glass cup."I was only trying to to do what you should have done long ago."Aggie says finishing drying the glass in her hand while Gwen was putting the left over chicken in a plastic bowl container.

"You're on the verge of breaking a tradition that goes back more than a thousand years"Aggie tells her youngest daughter placing a hand on her shoulder causing Gwen to look at there mother."your tradition not mine."she says causing her mother to look sadly at her while crystallina was watching them slightly hurt by her youngest sister words from each sentence.

"Marnie is my daughter and if I decide that not to train her like a witch then that's none of your business"she says before going back to what she was doing not realizing that she was hurting her older sisters heart while Aggie looks at Gwen not understanding why her youngest daughter is like this.

"A witches 13th Halloween is supposed to Mark the completion of her training."while all this is going on neither of the three older women notice Marnie sneeking down the stairs listening in on the serious conversation going on."she doesn't even begin her training tonight her parents will be lost forever"Aggie expressed deeply while Gwen just had enough.

"Yes and she'll finally be human and normal, like her brother her father and like Sophie will be after her."Gwen says as she is looking threw a bin filled with all kinds of plastic tops.

As the argument continues on crystallina finally had enough."so you really want nothing to do with us and our world.what happens if I ever have kids will you shut them out as well gwen.i mean you didn't even come to my wedding."crystallina says as her voice cracks with each word causing Aggie to look at her oldest with a sad look Marnie had sneaked back off at this point"I respect your decision so you want have to worry about me coming back around I know how much you hate magic and everything sister."she says trying so hard not to cry before looking at there mother "I'll wait for you at the bus stop mother"before turning away just as a tear fell from her eye as she walks away with the two older women looking at her when was sadness and one was guilt as they watch crystallina walk out the kitchen with a heavy heart.

Well everyone was back at the house crystallina is walking out the front door putting her hood of her cloak back on and she makes her way out of the yard to the sidewalk walking to where the bus stop is. Waiting for the bus that she hears footsteps she turns and sees her mother what's that look as well they both have a silent agreement before the bus arrives. The doors on the bus open and the two women walk and then take a seat not realizing that they were being followed by three kids who were in for a world is shock as well the two women before the bus takes off.

After a long ride the bus finally reaches Halloween Town and slowly descends to the ground once the doors open Aggie and crystallina "I'll see you later mother I'm going to go to my house and see my husband love you"crystallina says giving her mother a hug before making her way to her and her husband's home.

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