Grandma's and aunt's story

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As they all sit around the dinner table eating a plate of chocolate chip cookies.laughing as Sophie continues to imitate a ghost."ooh,ooh,ooh!"with her costume still on along with her siblings."oh no dear.its more like a moaning sound."her grandma Aggie explains to her"you know, ghost tend to be very depressed creatures.anyway they sound like this"she says before imitating what a real ghost sounds as they can all be seen around the table laughing before crystallina's younger sister Gwen cuts the fun short.

"Well, mother and sister y'all's visit has been very educational.but it's time for bed."she says causing the kids to groan in protest."oh mom!"Marnie says not wanting her grandma and auntie to go just yet.

"She's right.your mother,aunt and I need to talk about grown up things,anyway"Aggie explains to the kids as both her and crystallina are disappointed about there visit being short.making Gwen look at them slightly wondering what her mother meant by that.before Sophie comes up with an idea"can y'all at least tell us a bed time story"she ask her aunt and grandmother who look up at Gwen who seems hesitant at first.while Sophie's siblings agree with her"yeah great idea"Marnie says with excitement looking up at her mother.

"Yeah"Dylan also agreed as well making Gwen look at him with a certain look.making Dylan drop his smile immediately"I,mean horrible idea"he says quickly as Gwen just gives a slight nod while Marnie and Sophie still want them to tell a bed time story"come on mom please" "just one"they both say pleading to there mother who still looks hesitant but starts to cave in"well... alright but just one."she says finally agreeing making all the kids cheer"yes!"before the kids all get up.kissing there grandma and auntie on the cheek before they all head up stairs fast to get ready."I'm gonna go see if any off them need help"crystallina says knowing that her mother and sister need to talk about something before heading up stairs to her nieces and nephews rooms up stairs.while Gwen and her mother talk as crystallina is helping her neices and nephew get ready for bed.

Soon Dylan can be seen in the arch way Marnie and Sophie's room in his pajamas as well."hi.just come by to check that everyone's got there thermostat set to 68 digress.because it's important to conserve energy.during the evening hours..."Dylan starts explaining all until Marnie cuts him off .


Dylan just get in here"Marnie tells her brother while the three girls were sitting on the bed.dylan walks in and sits on Sophie's bed getting ready for the story."which story are y'all gonna tell it one that we know"Sophie asked from her auntie's lap while cristalina is messing with her hair as they lean against the head board of the bed.

"Oh,no,I wouldn't think so"Aggie starts off before there auntie adds "it's gonna be a wonderful story that haven't dreamed of"with a smile as her and her mother share a look while the kids get more excited.

"Our story is about a magical place"Aggie starts off mysterally making the kids listen intently"where many sorts of creatures live together in peace."she starts off with the story making cristalina think about her husband and home with a smile.

"Like Cleveland"Dylan says making the girls laugh but Marnie who just rolls her eyes at him."I hear they have a nice school district"he explains not knowing why he got wired looks from them.

"Well actually,the place I'm speaking about of is called Halloweentown."Aggie explains to her grandchildren while the two older women share a knowing look."and the residents are a bit more... exotic"she explains more while trying to find the right words.sophie and Marnie smiles are getting bigger as the story continues."monster's, goblins, ghost, vampire's, gnomes, mummies and skeletons"she lists off just some of the people in their hometown with mysteriousness in her voice.the girls get more excited then ever.

"Do they have dybhuks and banshees there too"Marnie ask are aunt and grandmother wanting to know more bearly able to hold her excitement in.

"Yes"both women smileing softly at the kids wanting to tell them the truth so bad."by the dozens.and of course,a few very witches"Marnie gets more excited while Sophie frowns and Dylan is seen rolling his eyes not showing the same excitement as his sisters."I don't like witches. they're mean and scary"Sophie says with a pout making crystallina pull her into her lap hugging her to her chest.

"Oh,no,no,no, sweetheart.i mean they're just like everyone else. Some are kind, some are mean"Aggie smiles assureing Sophie. Who starts to smile again while she sits in her aunt's lap."that's the way they use they're magic"Aggie continues with a smile lifting her hands up for dramatics.

While Aggie was continuing the story crystallina was thinking about her home."you can't tell what's in a monsters heart just by looking at them.i mean,some times,some of the slimiest, raunchiest, ugliest little monsters turn out to be the nicest."Aggie says making the girls laugh at her facial expressions as she explains the difference.

"I want to go there"Sophie says with a big smile making her aunt and her grandmother smile at her softly."oh, excuse me,but we have an impressionable young child here. I think we should make it clear that this place we're talking about is just pretend"Dylan cuts off making Marnie groan at her brother while Sophie pouts.the two older women share a secret look before they both nod there heads"oh well yes yes.. well actually,I have to confess that we didn't make it up.i read about it in a book" she confesses while crystallina smiles knowingly.

"So you see, maybe it is real"she says with a shurg while the girls smiles get bigger and Dylan getting curious."a book? What book?"he ask wanting to know.before Aggie pulls out book from behind her dress surprising the kids."there, Halloweentown"she says showing a book with the name making them go speechless."let me see"Marnie says with excitement while Aggie hands her the book.

Ounce the book is in Marnie's hands she looks over every detail of the cover.that shows the town with a giant Jack O'Lantern pumpkin on a stone slab in the center.then Aggie opens the book showing the first page as the kids lean forward seeing all kinds of creatures. While they do that crystallina smiles softly at her family while hugging Sophie in her lap.soon they come up to a page with a witch flying on the broom."look it's Marnie"Sophie says with a gasp while pointing at the page.

Makes Marnie look at it in shock while Aggie and crystallina share a secret look to one another.marnie slowly grabs the book looking at the picture before looking up at her grandmother and aunt."it is me"she says in awe still in surprise before the book is then snatched by her brother Dylan who looks at the picture"she doesn't look anything like you.shes to cute"says scoffing as Marnie just rolls her eyes before snatching the book back"oh yeah and this coming from a guy who can win an ugly contest."she says with fire making Dylan slightly glare at her.

"Well,there is quite a resemblance"Aggie says breaking the tension Aggie trys to cheer up her up by pointing out a few things as well as dylan. crystallina pays close attention to her niece growing worried when she's sees her smile slowly disappear.marnie looks back at the page slightly loseing that excitement from earlier "I wish but.the truth is... there's nothing special me"she opens up to her aunt and grandmother making both the older women disagree "oh,no dear your very special your a are made to do great things honey"both women say at the same time bring Marnie's smile back.

"And since the dawn of time the Cromwell's have been the most powerful..."Aggie starts getting ready to tell the big secret neither the older women notice Gwen coming up the stairs appearing in the arch way"mother, sister"she says with hidden anger making both women freeze slightly"it's getting late y'all don't want to miss y'all's bus back home"making the grand kids sad that they have to go so they beg but the women assured them that it was alright. Crystallina leaves the room first nobody noticeing the saddness in her eyes as she walks out of the room finally letting go of the smile waiting for the fight that is about to happen.

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