Strange boy

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Crystallina was walking around making sure everyone was enjoying the party as she hands out candy apple she made when Marnie rushed over with a giddy smile.

"What's got you so happy"Crystallina asked with a smile and raised eyebrow.

"I just met this really hot guy and I was wondering in I can give him a tour of the house please" Marnie begs with big eyes.

Crystallina was hesitant at first before signing as she nods her head making Marnie smile even bigger"but I want to meet him first but make sure nothing of are world or kind is out in the open"she says as Marnie nods her head before going to get him as she sets down the tray of candy apples.

She looks up seeing Marnie pulling a boy through the crowd he had slightly styled dirty brown hair as he wore a costume of what she guessed to be a bad boy.

"Aunt Crystallina the is kal. Kal this is my aunt Crystallina" Marnie says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Kal" Crystallina says shaking his hand she felt this familiar prences about cal and an unsettling feeling in her heart.

"Nice to me you to"Kal says politely before he and Marnie walked off for the tour of the house before she was shown sitting on the couch in the middle of the night deep in her thoughts in a room she made for her and her husband since they live here now.

"Kal"she says to her self something about that name makes the unsettling feeling get worse before pulling out her witches mirror as she calls her husband who appears with blue grey smoke around him.

"Hey honey"he says with a smile as he was at work in a store here in town as he wore a glimar to look human before noticing something was bothering his wife."what's wrong"he asked worried.

"Hey so marnie met this mystery boy his name is kal but what's troubling me when I shakes his hand there was a familiar presence about him and something about his name felt familiar it gives me am unsettling feeling "she explained to her husband.

"I see we'll just keep an eye on him and see if he's up to anything "abraxas says as she nods her head before they say good night as she looks up at the full moon through the window what she and grandma Angie didn't now was that there spell books have been stolen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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