The witches brew

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While the married couple is seen fixing up there house a loud knock is heard which makes them look at each other confused but soon rush to the doors when the banging continues crystallina swings the door open only to go wide eyed before she is tackled by her nieces and nephews in a hug."oh my gosh what are y'all doing here i though y'all were going home"she ask in shock as she hugs them back.

"It was true something bad is going on in this town.after you left we were trying to find a ride home but then we notice grandma talking to Luke and leading her into the closed theater but it was a trap cause ounce mom and grandma were in there this dark thing creature zapped them with some blue power ball freezing them in time"marnie cry's before her aunt holds them tight before looking at her husband they wore gonna fight for there family and make sure this creature pays.

Soon they were all in aggies house looking through a spell book for the brew they need to make the orbclawed talisman to work if it is to bring night light in the big pumpkin of Halloween town."ah here is is so we need a vampires fang,a hair from a werewolf, sweat of a ghost so let's get to work so we can save our family and Halloween town"she tells her nieces and nephews as they all smile.

The first thing they need to go was a hair of of a werewolf.soon a green looking women with puffed up hair is seen sitting at a salon with many other creatures as a werewolf was seen with excitement as he was doing someones hair."tank a gander!"he says turn a woman around as her hair was pink and purple in a puffy puffed up style."look at you, sweetheart. You are coming along like a fast ride, baby."as the women just smiles and giggles agreeing with him.

Soon the siblings are are seen walking through the door as Crystallina and her husband were seeing standing guard outside the door as they watch. It started off well until they figure out the hair blow dryer was more of a flaming torch than actual hair dryer causing a slight panic with the werewolf crystallina had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't laugh. Before Dylan shade the back of his head real fast for the hair as they were running out the salon with crystallina and her husband following laughing.

Soon a gym full of creatures and monsters are seen working up sweat and exercising. Soon a close up of a woman with cat features her hair curled as she is wearing a cheetah pattern unitard"round. Rounds. Run around."she instructs her class which is full of different kinds of creatures."and stir the cauldron. 1 2 3"she instructs the next exercise step before 2 to dog face creatures are seen drooling slightly as they exercise"with your left hand, now we're going to stroke and stroke"indicating swim like movements as she introduced The next step."does hips moving keep on going, now stroke. And, dogs keep keep on up with the others. No slobbering on people, huh? Please"soon the family is seen on the lower floor some was creeped out looks.

"There's gotta be a ghost around here some place"Marnie says before they are seen running off.a giant green webbed amphibian foot is shown as a giant fish like creature is seen walking down the steps wearing swimming clothes and a red robe as it walks down the slightly cluttered hallway passing by were they are hiding."snot man!"Sophie whispers before they see him turning down the hallway with the sign swimming pool before seeing a door that says steam room.they rush over to it"alright you kids get the ghost sweat while her and abraxas will wait out here and guard the door now go hurry"crystallina ushers them in while they stand guard soon a few minutes past before the hear screaming as the share a confused look before the siblings came out before they are all soon running away to get the next thing which is a vampires fang.

Soon a dentist room is shown as a women in a black dress is freaking out before he pulls away showing the face of a vampire woman who as a fang that needed to come out it turns out who was a tooth fairy after he got the fang out with no pain before putting the fang in a silver container that was being held by Marnie turning around slightly cheering.

Soon she is seen running to them as they waiting outside"I did it.i got it!"she says with a smile before a familiar yellow cab cut her off showing Benny in the driver's seat."say there, if it ain't the Cromwell kids and the married couple."as Marnie was around the cab crystallina just stares at him something that feel right almost as if he turned evil and she steps closer while he is trying to persuade him to get in the cab his facial expression turns into a mean one which makes Sophie guess"the bad things in him"she whispered to her siblings the feeling only got worse when he tried to pull Dylan in the cab and she, sophie, and Marnie try to get Benny to let go Dylan then Sophie sees a dog and she runs over I'm flipping him from his leash scaring Benny as he is driving away scared as the dog chase him.

Soon they were all back at Aggie's house surrounded by a little cauldron as Marnie for two full scoops of the Brew into the bottom of the talisman before screwing it shut and then turning it right side up. She holds it in her hands just staring at it."what are you waiting for"Dylan asked confused on why she hasn't done anything yet.

"I can't remember Grandma's spell"crystallina walks up to her niece gently laying her hands all morning give her a soft smile"I remember it don't worry just follow me"the older women closes her eyes as she starts saying the incantation of the spell soon after morning follows as well as Sophie after a moment of silence the light shines bright in the crystal bowl in the car making them all cheer knowing they were going to get their family back before rushing off to where her sister and Aggie are.

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