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"Hey guys!" Donna smiles as me and robin walk up to them "You guys okay?"
"Well personally, i'm absolutely amazing donna" I smugly smile at robin and decide it would be a good time to tease him after the situation at his house, "What about you robin?"
"Fuck off y/n" He pushes his tounge against the inside of his cheek in anger.
"Someones a bit touchy today" I tease again, he glares at me and i muffle my giggle in my hands.
Everyone looks at us confused, i just laugh it off but robin is not impressed at all.
Donna being the social butterfly she is decides to change the topic,
"So the dance is next week, how about after school we go to the mall and get our outfits?" She asks with a smile
"Yeah sure" Finney agrees
"Yes let's do it! I've been wanting to get my dress soon!" Gwen agrees too
"Im good, i mean i dont even know if i'm going to be honest i dont really want to" Robin shrugs
"What? No you have to come Robin it will be so boring without you plus you'll regret missing out" I scowl
"I don't care i'm not going"
"Please? It would really mean a lot to me if you came" I plead, giving him puppy dog eyes, he tries out staring me but fails.
"Fine" He rolls his eyes "But im not wearing a tux or anything stupid"
"Mmm yes you are" I quickly say, he opens his mouth to argue but i cut him off before he can get a word out. "So yeah we'll be there, what time tonight, straight after school or?"
"Why dont we all go back to our houses to get money and stuff then meet at mine at 4?" Donna looks around at us all
We talk for a few more minutes before getting interrupted by the bell and all heading off to our classes. Me, finney and robin all have maths so we head there and walk in, finney taking his seat away from us and me and robin taking our seats next to each other in the back row. I pull my stuff out of my bag and place it on the desk, so does robin. He just stares blankly at the desk, his arm covering his face.
"Soo, about this mornin-"
"Dont." He grumbles
"It's not a big deal, if anything it was cute" I giggle
"Shutup." He rolls his eyes
"For real though, get out of your mood it's literally fine don't worry"
He sits up properly and looks at me.
"By the way diego was like just over exaggerating, he was definitely just trying to embarrass me or something"
"Oh i'm sure he was" I sarcastically nod my head
"What he was!" Robin protested
We joke around while doing our work and eventually the bell goes and we head walk out of class into the hall. Me fin and robin start walking to our biology class, robin slides his arm over my shoulder and my cheeks heat up abit but i just try ignore it. Fin notices and gives robin a look and robin gives him one back, i just pretend to not notice but a small smile comes on my face. A few people around us look at us and whisper, i just brush it off but robin gives all the boys looking at me death stares. Hmm.
We get to bio and take our seats, donna is already sat in her seat and the teacher starts talking. After she explains to us how to dissect a frog, she tells us to get into partners. Robin walks over to me,
"Need a partner amor?" He asks me
"I don't know i mean, i know some other people really wanted to partner up with me-" I joke
"I don't care you're my partner." He sits down next to me.
We start doing the work when i hear giggles behind us, i turn around to see finney and donna flirting, donnas cheeks are bright red and so are finns. I nudge robin to show him,
"What?" He asks and then spots donna and finn "Hmm."
Donna puts her hand on top of finns and looks him in the eyes,
"Oo her" Robin whispers to me.
Finn looks back at her then squeezes her hand, starting to say something.
"Oo him" I whisper back.
We laugh to each other as we watch the two flirt behind us.
"Cuties aren't they" I whisper to him
"Not as cute as us" He whispers back
"And that's supposed to mean?"
"Hmm you'll see." He smirks at me.


𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊// robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now