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We get back to donnas after her asking us to sleep over at hers and us all agreeing.
"We can watch a movie or something but first us girls have to talk so you three stay here until we come down" Donna smiles before running to her bedroom, y/n and gwen behind her.
"Weirdos" I shake my head
"Hey where'd you go today when you disappeared?" Finney asks me
"I erm" I decide to just come clean. I pull out the small box." "I went to get this."
I open up the box and show them the gold necklace with the little teddy pendant dangling down from it.
"Is that for y/n?" Bruce asks
"Mhm, you think she'll like it?" I take another look at the necklace.
"Yeah trust me she'll love it" Finn nods
"You like her?" Bruce raises his eyebrow at me.
"Do you like y/n?"
"Yeah, what's it too you." I close the box back up and put it back in my pocket
"Just wondering i guess."
"Mm." I look between him and finn, finn looking back at me as if to say 'don't lose your shit robin.' I acknowledge it and look away, scanning donnas front room.
All the girls come running back downstairs.
"Hey bruce can i talk to you?" Y/n stands at the bottom of the stairs.
"Of course" Bruce stands up and walks over to her, they go upstairs and the last i hear is they shut donnas bedroom door.
I swear to god if bruce tries anything with y/n, i will kill him.
I shut the door and sit down on donnas bed, facing bruce whose already perched on the edge of her bed.
"So i erm, i just wanted to talk to you about our friendship."
"Okay?"Bruce cocks his head to the side
"I don't know what to say but i, i just wanted to make sure that you knew that i see you as a friend, a really good friend, but that's it right?"
"Look y/n i find you gorgeous i wont lie" He looks at me, i feel myself growing awkward. "But you're into robin and hes into you so i wont try to get in the way of that don't worry, plus a little birdie told me that gwen likes me"
"Wait what? Robin into me? Me into robin?" I scowl
"No need to deny it y/n it's obvious" He gets off the bed laughing, walking over to the door. "But yeah, still friends"
"Thanks bruce"I let a small smile escape "It means a lot"
"No problem now lets go back downstairs before robin thinks i'm trying to make a move on you and beheads me" He jokes and opens the door, i laugh back and follow him out of it and back downstairs.
"No that movie sucks!" Gwen shouts
"I don't care we aren't watching grease!" Robin shouts back.
"Omg grease yes!" I shout as i walk in to the room
"Exactly! Donna put grease on" Gwen shouts again, donna looks confused by the entire situation, so does finn. Gwen and robin both look fed up and me and bruce just laugh at the mess we walked into.
"I swear to god don't put grease on donna" Robin protests.
After a bit of arguing grease gets put on.
Me and robin sit on one chair, donna and finn on another and gwen and bruce on the final one.
I lie back on robin, his hands wrapped around my waist, snuggling my head back into his chest. He plays with my hair a bit as we watch the movie and every now and then he kisses the back of my head, making me blush ever so slightly.
"You're so beautiful amor" I hear robin whisper in my ear, i feel my cheeks start to heat up, i turn my head back round to look at him and i smile. He gives me a little peck on the lips then nuzzles his head into my neck, giving it small ticklish kisses. I struggle a bit and try not to laugh to loud.
"Fuck off that tickles" I laugh under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear. He pulls away from my neck and puts his lips near my ear.
"Ill remember that for later" He whispers, i turn back around to look at him and he winks before looking back up at the tv screen.
"Weirdo" I scowl, still looking at him. He playfully pushes my head forward.
"Shutup and watch the fucking movie querido" He laughs and i turn my head back round to the screen with a sigh, resting back onto robins chest again. God robin arellano, what are you doing to make me feel like this. I feel like a little girl on her birthday every time i'm with him. My stomach does loops and my cheeks go as red as a tomato whenever he flirts with me even the tiniest bit, and i've found myself, falling in love? God, i've found myself falling in love with robin arellano, out of all people, robin fucking arellano.


𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊// robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now