𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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My skin stings. My eyes feel heavy. I slowly pry them open. It's dark, cold, lifeless. I push myself up to find im in a basement, the basement. I hurriedly look around, robins back facing me as he's sprawled out on the floor. I scurry over to him and grab his arms, shaking quickly.
"Robin" He doesn't answer. "Robin!"
He shoots up, his jaw stern, gripping my arm tightly and pushing me to the floor. His face softens as soon as he sees my face and he immediately lets go.
"Shit, sorry"
"Wheres vance" I brush it off quickly, my main concern being my brother.
"This is it, this is the basement he was in, where the fuck is vance?" I stand up, walking round the corner i see only to be led into an empty room with a toilet and rolled up carpets. I walk back round to robin, feeling myself starting to hyperventilate.
"Y/n" robin looks up at me
"I dont understand he- he was here?"
"Y/n" he gets up and pulls me into his arms.
"He was here robin"
Suddenly a door flies open and that fucker walks in, my head snaps to look at him and i feel my whole body tensing up.
"Where is he." I grit my teeth
"Hm?" He acts dumb.
"Where's my brother you fucking psychopath!" I shout, starting to charge at him. I swing for him, he knocks me to the floor with one hard smack.
"Oi!" Robin shouts, swinging and hitting him straight in the stomach, the man grunts before pushing robin back harshly, sending him back into the wall.
"Listen here, you two fuckers would've been fine if you didn't ruin the game! But you did. So now you're going to stay down here and be fucking quiet until i figure out what to do with you two, got it?" He shouts, pointing a finger at us.
"Where's my brother!" I cry
"Got it?!" He shouts again
"Where is he?" I scream
"He's fucking dead sweetheart." He spits before storming out and slamming the door behind him. "That's why you shouldn't ruin the game" I hear him mumble as the locks on the door turn.
I feel all air leave my lungs, my heart starts to pound out of my chest and my eyes stinging brutally.
Without saying anything, robin rushes over to me, pulling me to his chest and holding me tight. Before i knew it, i was drowning in a pool of my own tears. My sobs of distraught would even make thunder in a storm apologise. I'm hurt, angry, sad, scared, mad, alone. Im fucking terrified. Its all too much, endless sobbing couldnt possibly be enough to hold the pain inside me. I can hear my heart pounding violently in my chest, feel my entire body burning, my throat rapidly closing in and choking me. I shrieked, screamed ,cried out. A loud, vicious sob into robins shoulder.
"Y/n, y/n-"
I continued to sob loudly, feeling completely detached from my surroundings. How can he be gone? He can't be. No because if he's gone then, no he's not gone, i dont need to get upset over something that isn't true. But i can't help it, i can't help but cry, why am i grieving someone who i know isnt gone? Even though i know it isn't true, i can't help but lose all hope. I feel defeated, done for eternity, this is the end of trying, what's the point of trying to be alive in a world vance isn't? Surely that's not fair, that i get to live and he doesn't? Suddenly, a ring of a phone interrupts my crying. My head shoots up, if there's a phone we can call for help, not like i want to get out, but robin deserves too, he deserves to live. I start to walk over to where i hear the ringing from, spotting a black phone on the wall. Robin looks at me confused as i approach the phone, picking it up and holding it to my ear. A mix of static and what sounds like breathing comes out of the speaker.
"It's disconnected y/n, the cords cut." Robin says, i look down to see the cut cord and scowl, it rung though? Im sure it did, maybe i'm losing my mind already, apparently when people are held hostage or put through certain levels of grief they can have a psychotic break, but this soon? Surely not. I sigh and put the phone back down on the wall. Leaning on the wall and slowly collapsing to the floor, i exhale. I can't do this. I don't want to live anyway, and there's an easy way out right in front of me, might aswell stay and get it over with, that way if he is telling the truth i'll be with vance, and even if he's lying and vance really is alive, he doesn't need me, he survived when i was gone, he'll be fine without me. But robin lives. I don't care what happens-robin deserves to live, he's getting out of here, i don't care what it takes. Robin walks around the room and looks for anything that could help us escape, while i just stare meaninglessly at the floor, analysing every single meaningless aspect of it. He tries jumping up to the window, but it's too far out of reach, doesn't stop him from trying to reach it for another five minutes though. The phone rings again and i look up at it, staring at it curiously. Robin looks at me and sees im staring at it again, a scowl appearing on his face at first, but then melting into a more empathetic look.
"Wait." I cut him off, standing up and walking slowly towards the phone until im facing it.
"Y/n please." He begged.
I look at him slowly, pressing a finger to my lip, he sighs and remains quiet. I extend my hand, gripping the phone in my shaky hand and pulling it towards my ear. The same combination of white noise and potential breathing echoing through the line as before.
"Hello?" I mutter down the line- no answer. "Hello?!" I start to grow impatient, sighing when i receive no response for a second time. I decide to give up, im just giving myself false hope now. I go to pull the phone away from my ear, but something familiar pulls me back in.
"Don't you hang up on me you little jerk" A faint voice echoes, sending a rush through my entire body, I gasp.

𝗣.𝗦. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝗶𝗺 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗸𝗮𝘆😔

𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊// robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now