𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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                                                                ꧁𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄
Part 2
Me and robin walk into the gym, loud music and bright lights fill the room, along with tables, chairs, food, and of course, teenagers. As we walk in, a few people turn to look at us, some looking in awh and some in jealousy, me and robin brush it off and look around for finn, donna, gwen and bruce. Once i spot them, we go over.
"Omg y/n you look amazing!" Donnas jaw hangs slightly ajar as she praises me.
"Yeah you look hot girl!" Gwen agrees
"Thank you" I giggle "You two both look gorgeous".
They both say thank you and then gesture towards two empty seats at the table.
"So apart from me and y/n, are any of you guys actually here with a date?" Robin asks, i see donnas cheeks go red at the question and finn awkwardly looks at the ceiling.
"Donna and finn? Spill right now i wanna know" I grin
"What? I didn't say anything though?" Finn looks around confused
"You didn't have to your faces gave it away" I laugh and so does gwen and bruce, robin just sits there looking around at people. "Tell me everything right now!" Finn sighs and donna grabs his hand underneath the table, thinking i can't see.
"So erm, me and finney are here together" She smiles awkwardly
"Who asked who?" I continue with the questions
"He asked me" I see a genuine smile come to her face as she answers
"No way!" Robin shoots up from the table and runs round to finn, that gets his attention "Bro i told you that you needed to ask her!" He happily shouts as he play punches finn, who is clearly embarrassed.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, anyone coming with?" I ask as i stand up, gwen agrees to come with me and so we walk over to the table with the food and the bowl of punch, me clutching onto my bag. I pour myself a cup and so does gwen, i pull her to the side where nobody can see us and open my bag, pulling a bottle of vodka out of it. As i unscrew the lid, gwen laughs.
"Oh my days, of course you're bringing vodka to the school dance"
"What? This is a drag i want something to make it better" I shrug as i chug half of my punch, replacing it with vodka. "Want some?"
"I'm not giving you enough to get you drunk though fuck that" I laugh as i pour a small amount into the girls cup.
"Cheers to a shitty school dance and my first drink" She holds her cup out to me, i laugh and cheers with her and we both take a sip of our drinks, her pulling a face and me chuckling at her as i drink.
"That's disgusting" She scrunches up her face before taking another sip
"Don't drink it then!" I laugh
"No it's my first drink i have to finish it"
"Oh my days, come on let's go sit back down and don't pull any faces when we are there i dont want finn finding out i gave you that he will kill me"
"No promises" She mumbles before taking another sip of her drink as we walk back to our table. We sit and talk, laughing as we make fun of matty and his goons and finn telling the story of matty asking me to the dance.
"Give me some" Robin whispers to me
"What?" I scowl in confusion
"Gwens been pulling her face every time she takes a sip of her drink, coincidence? I think not, now pass it"
I curse gwen out under my breath as i pull the bottle out and pour some in robins cup under the table.
"Thanks love" He sarcastically tips his cup to me
"Shutup" I roll my eyes and he laughs
Madonna comes on the speaker and gwen jumps up from her seat.
"I love this song! Guys please come dance!" She begs, me and donna laugh before getting up to go dance with gwen, the boys all stay seated as predicted and make fun of madonna, fuck them though, madonna is an icon. Gwen drags us both to the middle off the dance floor and starts dancing, me and donna share a look before i shrug and join her, making donna join in aswell. I sway my hips gently to the music, while gwen full on jumps around and donna bops up and down a bit. I turn to the boys who are watching us and see robin staring at me, time to be a tease. I scan his body up and down before licking my lips slightly, then finishing off my giving a wink and turning back around. That's going to drive him crazy. The song changes to landslide by fleetwood mac, the lights turn a deep blue and couples get together to slow dance. I turn to look at the boys at the table, but finn and robin aren't there, instead gwen and bruce. I turn back around to see robin towering over me, i look up at him and he scans my body.
"Teasing me huh?"
"Robin im sorry but can we please do this after the slow dance.." I beg in a whisper
"Fine. Dont think i'm forgetting about that though angel" He whispers back before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close, i dangle my arms over his shoulders, joining them by holding my hands together. He pulls me closer and i rest my head on his chest as we slowly sway to the music, a few people watch us but neither of us notice as we are to engulfed in the beauty of this moment we've found ourselves in. This moment feels warm. That might sound weird and i don't know how to describe it but im going to try anyways. Do you know those moments you have where your entire body goes warm, especially your insides. Not an awkward warm, a comforting warm, like when you drink hot chocolate and feel your insides heat up ever so slightly. I love warm moments, and ever since i met robin, i've been getting a lot of them, but im not complaining at all. He makes me so happy, to be with him until our very last breaths would be such a heavenly way to live this miserable life i've been given, and to die with him would be such a heavenly way to end said life. He makes my life better though, i mean dont get me wrong it's still sorta shitty but when i'm with him i forget about all the shittyness of it, all i can think about is how in love i am with this boy. How in love i am with his hair, his eyes, his nose, his smile, his dimples, his lips, his voice, his body, his sense of humour, his bravery, his love. I am so in love with robin arellanos love, just knowing he loves me is so sweet. In his love i've found a sense of safety and security, a sense that only he can give me, and im forever grateful for it. I don't think there will ever be a moment where i'm with robin in which i dont feel safe, because he protects me at all costs. Some of the trouble he's gotten into because he was protecting me is unreal. I guess we kind of are like a devil and an angel in that way, i mean im no angel at all but he thinks i am. It baffles me how innocent he sees me, how all of the fucked up shit i've done doesn't even exist to him, he really sees the best in me.Im interrupted from my thoughts when I feel robins hand trail down, slowly reaching my ass, he grips it with one hand and i gasp lightly, feeling my face grow as red as a tomato.
"Rob- Robin..not now" I mutter
"Woah, this is definitely my new favourite place to touch" He chuckles
"Shutup touch it later or whatever- i dont care just not now people are watching"
"Fine" He rolls his eyes, squeezing hardly one last time before putting his hand back around my waist with the other one, making me gasp lightly again, "Later."
I roll my eyes and sink back into him, taking in the perfection im wrapped in. We continue dancing until the song comes to an end, i slowly pull away and look up at robin, he looks back down at me with a smile, i smile slightly back and he takes hold of my hand, walking us back to the table.
"Well that was disgusting" Gwen laughs as she throws a crisp slightly in the air and catches it in her mouth while me, robin, finn and donna all sit back down, "Especially you robin i saw what you did there, im traumatised to say the least."
My eyes go wide and my face goes all red and hot, robin just laughs to himself and the other three look around at each other confused. The comment is brushed off and everyone erupts into conversation again, i feel robins hand drop onto my thigh and grip it gently, drawing circles on it with his thumb. My face goes red for a second, i manage to return back to my normal colour before anybody notices though, thank fuck.Time passes and the hall starts to empty as people leave, i check the clock, 10pm, the end of the dance. We stay sat due to the fact we're to lazy to move and just carry on talking until chaperones come over and ask us to leave. We all walk out and sit outside against the school wall while we wait to get picked up, talking and laughing as we do so. The blake siblings are first to go, then bruce, then donna, leaving just me and robin. Vance is meant to be picking us up and taking us back to the arellanos for food in which i'm sleeping over after and vance will just go after food i think, it's only a five minute walk to the house from here but vance said he doesn't want me out late at night in a dress because of how many pervs there are out at night and he doesn't trust that robin could kick a grown ups ass even though robin insisted he could. Suddenly, I feel the cold night air starts to tingle at my skin painfully, i shudder quietly at the sudden pain and robins head snaps around to me.
"Cold?" He asks, i nod with a smile and rub my arms, trying to create the smallest bit of heat. He takes off his suit jacket and wraps it around me.
"Thanks" I mumble before resting my head on his shoulder, getting tired. 15 minutes pass and i grow worried, grabbing the bottle of vodka out of my bag and drinking the remaining contents which wasn't much. My nerves eat at me and i throw the bottle to the ground, glass shattering around us.
"Why isn't he here?" I shout
"Woah calm down im sure he's fine, vance can kick anyones ass you dont have to worry about him."
"No i dont care i have a bad feeling about it..." I trail off, thoughts racing around my head
"We'll just go back to mine, I'm sure he's there and he just lost track of time or whatever."
"No he wouldn't of lost track of time, he would've been here he was certain on being here! He said he'd rather die then let me be out at this time, especially in this" I gesture to my dress, panic overcoming me. "Robin, he would've been here" I sigh.
"We can go look for him? Would that make you feel better?"
"Yes please.."
"Alright let's go" He stands up and holds his hand out to me, i take it and he pulls me up from the cold stone floor, keeping tight hold of my hand as we walk out of the school drive.

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𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊// robin arellano Where stories live. Discover now