Chapter 38: Hit by a Bus

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Chapter 38: Hit by a Bus

When I wake up the next morning, Jay's already gone. His absence immediately sends a wave of sadness through me. Call me overdramatic but I don't like waking up without him; it equals an already crappy start to a monumentally bad day.

I vaguely remember him kissing me goodbye and informing me that he was leaving; I distinctly remember telling him off and rolling away from him so that I could continue to sleep. I'll apologize later.

I glance over at Slobs to see that he's still sleeping, little snores escaping him. I touch my temple, my head pounding. I'm overcome by a feeling of weakness and tiredness, the first signs that I'm getting sick.

I groan into my pillow before forcing myself out of bed. Lazy, I quickly get dressed in leggings, socks, and a white t-shirt. I walk downstairs to check up on Benley and Laiken. Ben's nowhere in sight and Laiken is still sleeping on the trampoline. I jump on it as hard as I can, sending him bouncing.

He wakes up in a fright, first registering where he is before glaring at me. "Have I ever told you that you're the worst?"

I nod. "All the time."

"Did Jay get lucky?" is the next thing he asks – he's obsessed with this.

"Nearly," I answer truthfully, too drained to put up a fight – it's easier to just answer him. "He stopped me. Apparently car sex is not what he wants."

Laik, still half asleep, merely frowns. "He's stupid. Car sex is the best." He drags himself into a sitting position and scans my appearance properly. "You look horrible. What the hell happened?"

I wince under his gaze. "I feel horrible. I'm nursing a terrible headache. I might be coming down with something."

"Pregnancy?" he jokes.

I ignore him and help him up to his feet instead. "Come on. Let's go and see what Grey has whipped up for breakfast this morning."

He walks after me. "Guys only makes breakfast for girls they're in love with," he hums.

I sigh. He intensifies my headaches. "He doesn't love me. I just steal whatever food he's made for himself," I clarify.

"And I bet you that he lets you," he retorts with a bratty grin.

On the way there, my phone chimes with new message alerts, all of them responding to the photo of Lai and Ley-Ley:

'Buffoons🤭' ~ Jezzie

'😂😂😂' ~ Ave

'I've always liked my brother most when he's like this. Very pleasant to be around😏' ~ Aqueela The Second

'Is that drool? Disappointing, Laik.' ~ Mel

'He peaked in high-school🙄' ~ Bell

'I can't believe that I was ever into him😱🤯🫣' ~ Mia

'Can someone please find my man and drag him home?' ~ Legend AJ

'Lagger-dragger for a reason😬...' Aqueela The Second

She's a child after my own heart.

'I'll find him.' ~ Legend Lawson

'Girl, you missed out on a great night! Missed ya, babe🌻!' ~ Jezzie

She proceeds by sending photos of the night, catching me up. There are photos of Sarah, Mia, and Ave dancing, of AJ stuffing her mouth full of food, of Lan and Max clearing the food table while Bell and Em shout at them, and of Troy and Ramos braiding each other's hair.

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